
Saw this at PAX East. Seemed like it would be really fun! I’d love to try it.

Yeah. She’s a hot-head. Fire-bending probably came more easily to her than water-bending.

It works on Android. Just tested it. It listed both of my Android phones in the list after clicking Send to Device. The notification popped up on my phone immediately with an option to Navigate or get Directions. Brilliant!

Can someone please explain the jist of “you will be able to stream Xbox One games to your PC, so it’s sort like Microsoft’s finally bringing its exclusives over to Windows” ?

Mmm lunar Earth transit!

Don’t ever let anyone take a video of you blinking, then, I guess.

Windows Key + Esc closes the magnifier in Windows 7. I’d hope it’d do the same in Windows 10 if it’s not being used for something else.

Abstracting is probably a good idea, especially when icons are based on VERY outdated tech. In Word 2013, the icon for Save is still a floppy disk. I wonder if that’s been changed in the latest version.

Thank you! Great deal and it was the only one I used off the page :) LOVE these deal pages by the way!

Thank you! Great deal and it was the only one I used off the page :) LOVE these deal pages by the way!

How come Wii U doesn’t have its own section today? Super Mario Maker should be in there in case someone scrolls down to look for all the Wii U stuff.

How come Wii U doesn’t have its own section today? Super Mario Maker should be in there in case someone scrolls down

If every person in a karaoke bar was pitch perfect. Spoilers: they’re not.

I just meant that he was trying be all “hey I’m a CEO, but I can game, too”. Then he virtually fell off a cliff at least 10 times. I was hoping against hope that after talking shit he would have at least learned the most basic controls. Nope. It looked like he actually spent negative time practicing.

Yeah, he lost all hope of ever getting gamer cred with me when he called out a guy at a Smash tournament saying “one year from today [blah blah blah]” and then his abysmal performance at the NWC this year. Blech. It left such a bad taste in my mouth that he didn’t even know what the JUMP button was. Like, come on,

Noice one bruv, yeah?

So will they.

I am familiar with OoT/MM. I didn’t mention them at all.

Nintendo. You have a home run with this one. Now make a new Mario Paint with drawing, a music maker, Coffee Break, solid social features, and maybe 1 brand new game mode, and you have a grand slam.

#corrections lol “Apple iCould”