
See “Sotto Voce” label, named after the Latin term for “lowering one’s volume for emphasis.” They get it.

Yeah like that'd stop people from using it for that. MegaUpload probably said the same thing.

So Amazon just made themselves numero uno on RIAA's Most Wanted. Lots of pirates will move to this.

The problem isn't the voting. It's not having information readily available during voting. Even if I did my homework and knew all the names before-hand, I might not remember all 15 people I want to vote for. Having accurate information during the vote is the real problem. Each candidate should have at the BARE

Yeah but porn is a word that many workplaces would flag as NSFW - rightfully so! For example, I don't want to get in trouble because someone wanted to market their gadget with the word "porn".

1 is plenty, thanks! :)

It won't happen for 20+ years. haha The StarCraft (1) Battle Chest is still $19.21 on Amazon. Blizzard games are like Toyota's. They have insane staying power in value.

It won't happen for 20+ years. haha The StarCraft (1) Battle Chest is still $19.21 on Amazon. Blizzard games are

It should be noted that you can get Diablo III and the expansion at Blizzard's website for $20 for the whole week as well. You don't need to get it from GameStop. I bought the xpac from the battle.net website.

It should be noted that you can get Diablo III and the expansion at Blizzard's website for $20 for the whole week as

Even in a simulated zombie apocalypse, music brings people together. This is the greatest video game story ever created.

ermagerd trollolololol porn


What's the deal with using the word Porn after all sorts of subjects that aren't actually porn at all? Food porn? Gadget porn? Car porn? Abandoned structure porn? Come on, people. I get that sex sells, but it's such a thinly veiled marketing scheme it's ridiculous.

It's not F2P, it's B2P. You buy the game for the shelf price and there's no subscription required to play. They'll release some of their content as DLC.

I thoroughly enjoy the quests and story in ESO. I'm an avid Morrowind fan, and I think the quests so far are damn close in quality. I listen to all quest dialogue, and there are choices in some quests that are farther-reaching than you initially think. I also love the combat in ESO. Let's be real, Morrowind's combat

It sits on your head like a headcrab.

You mean like how you can go to Morrowind in ESO? That's a thing. Vvardenfell isn't in, yet, but I'm sure it will be eventually.

You played in the Beta. It has been improved SO much in a year. I strongly suggest you give it another shot.