
Please tell me more about this:

How about we make it illegal for police captains to enforce a quota? That quota is INSANE. What if they instate a quota for murder convictions to lawyers? It's a super slippery slope that has gone on for far too long.

I can't help but think of Speaker for the Dead, and how this might help shed light on who someone really is instead of who they wanted to pretend to be.

Now playing

They should have enlisted PoopFeast420. "I'm sorry, guys. He has a lot of good questions."

Thanks! I decided to sleep on it, because I hear the one gripe people have is that 50" isn't large enough to be able to see the 4K difference. Probably true.


Now playing

"Give him what for!" Runner-up: Poppycock.

Someone give me a good reason why I shouldn't buy that Vizio 4K TV. Ready? Go.


Ah, yep. I did play BC and Wrath until I level-capped one character, but only on Alliance. During original WoW I was somewhat of an alt-a-holic because I had so much free time and dabbled with Horde.

It will be charmingly glitchy.

I actually didn't know about him, and I had 80+ days played at level 60 in original WoW. Cap'n Placeholder is ze best.

You could say they. ..

I'm assuming this 3DS is running in 2D mode? Otherwise, the frame rate is kinda sorta cut in half so that it can flash an image to each eye correctly. Not sure how our brain interprets that, but it's worth noting.

Stunning! Kinda looks like Saturn but on an exponentially greater scale, and instead of the "planet" part, it's just brilliant light.

Well, excuuuuuuuuse me Prinspacey!

Fox AND Falco!

I'm seeing them open for Kamelot in a few months. I can't wait!!

I'll switch it up and say the best one I've ever seen was from my friend:

Nintendo REALLY needs to release better patch notes. Almost every time it's like: