
I enjoyed playing Doodle Jump on a similar machine.

You forgot Calamari Tuesday :)

I see Tycho is gaining some serious popularity as of late; totally warranted. Can't get enough of this song.

Still one of my favorite games, and it was one of the first games I ever remember playing - I was 5 when I first played it.

Whoever's voicing this, you sound a LOT like Neil deGrasse Tyson, which is awesome.

Get Wii U to Fit in Your Wallet

Two words when I play Captain Falcon: Falcon Punch. Nothing else matters.

I think it's secretly because they think if you get the blood of a gay person in you, you might catch "the gay".

Now playing

I don't know why, but that game (HoF) is insanely nostalgic for me. That and Solstice for NES. I never got far in either of them, but for some reason I have extreme rose-tinted goggles about those games. I think Solstice was because of the theme song. Just LISTEN TO THIS. Unbelievably good. Tim Follin is a genius.

Hohokum. I pressed play and just thought "no way". I've been addicted to Tycho ever since I saw them in April at CounterPoint and again at Electric Forest in June. They're SO great!!

Such a fantastic finale to such a fantastic show!! Here's to hoping that Michael and Bryan can find a way to get a deal with another network *COUGH* Netflix *COUGH*

I like the Hearthstone theme but... really? I think Elder Scrolls Online's soundtrack is better. Not to mention it has 45 songs on it, and I think I bought it for $9.

I tried the DK 1 at PAX East last year for about 5 minutes and I didn't experience motion sickness at all. It was just very pixelated. I don't think it was even 1080p. That's drastically improved.

Breaking Bread, the spin-off prequel of Walter White as an up-and-coming baker.

Trogdorsimar was an orc

I was planning on doing this and assumed everyone would be doing this. People aren't doing this?

"that movie was in absolutely no way similar to The Avengers." Yeah, except for the reasons that he said haha

Thank you! So, did the commentators just coin and call it a Wombo Combo on the spot? Or had they named this combo prior to this match?