
How in the hell is the fact they they don't write their names on the cups more interesting than bullet point 2 about the train-track conversion? That's insane! That's like the modern-day equivalent of how fast we think the Great Pyramids were built. I had no idea.

For reference, it's entirely possible for a new IP to get 15 million sales. It's rare, but it happens.

Destiny: Jesus

I recently heard that most of it is nitrogen to keep the chips crisp and not stale. Can anyone confirm or deny if this is plausible?

I think he meant the slide pad, since there have been pictures posted of people breaking their slide pads whilst playing Super Smash 3DS.

Yeah, it looks like a really high definition Google Street-side view.

Do they not know what Vsync is? When they turn the camera rapidly it almost hurts my eyes.

Setting up a rigid pole tent in the wilderness in crappy weather used to be a rite of passage. /hipster

Thanks! Tried to Follow it, it failed.

I seriously cannot get over that woman. What the actual fuck is she doing? In a complete "holy shit" video, it's crazy right up to the end.

Thank you for this amazing review. I no longer want the game, because I hate being at the mercy of RNG gods for end-game loot, or even leveling.

Meanwhile, their assembly workforce continues to basically be slave labor across the pond.

Which saving throw would you use to determine if you've impregnated a goblin? And if you "win" the roll, does that mean the goblin is pregnant or not?

A la Skyrim, cannot wait to play ESO with this.

It's absolutely beautiful. I can't help but think that the people there are getting radiation poisoning. Isn't the light because of the magnetic field of the earth letting in more radiation than usual?

I find it very interesting that this sort of conflicts with the other article I believe posted either last night or today about how we might be at the cusp of another video game industry slump.

If you're like Nicolas Cage, you're poor as dirt.

Why doesn't the final Smash let me shoot other characters on screen myself with a Wii Remote or GamePad, instead of using the same "if they're slightly in front of you, press B". I WANNA SHOOT THEM!!

Trip down memory lane. Nintendo must have gotten inspiration from this!

Not a porn star, but I'll just leave this here.