
ESO is right up the alley of "long video games". I love it.

At first, I saw this and said "wait, what's the plot again?" Then I found out that Will Arnett and Aaron Paul play 2 of the main characters. Then I saw the opening credits and realized they're both executive producers. Finished watching the first season yesterday. I liked it a lot. Lots of laughs, and it's very


What about Mona Lisa?

Spotify is somewhat designed to find new music :) You should give at least some of them a shot. I have more trouble finding instrumental music of anything other than classical, so I've been mostly using relatively new artists. Most popular music has lyrics, it seems.

This is a mostly Instrumental playlist that I listen to while I work. Instrumental

Ok, thank you for the sanity check. I thought I was taking crazy pills for a minute.

"But sound doesn't travel through bone nearly as easily as it does through air." Wait, what? This is counter-intuitive to me. I thought that sound is a surface wave and not only requires matter to travel, but that it travels more easily the more matter, and medium, it has to travel through. I thought that was why

I didn't get that impression at all. Compared to most of the other super-hero blockbuster movies, it is relatively unpopular. That is, less people are familiar with it when compared to Batman, Spider-Man, and Superman, etc.

I hate that they called it Rainbow Road N64. It's not even REMOTELY close to the first one, other than it's literally a rainbow road. If they're going to completely wipe the slate clean and make a new level, they shouldn't have pretended it was the N64 version.

I don't know where or when, but I've definitely heard the second video song before. It's great!

So they substitute latency with five times the bandwidth? That's pretty damned resourceful. I wonder if this could be applied to things like remote spaceship control.

I'm glad you didn't electrocute yourself.

I'd still like to know how they perform in terrible weather conditions, like rain, sleet, fog, snow, and even blizzard conditions. How exactly are they seeing lines on the road? I'm not skeptical, I'm just very curious. I want this.

Ahhh I first found out about Tycho in April at CounterPoint in Georgia (I'm from Boston). I saw them again at Electric Forest. Best way to close out a music festival! I've been addicted to them since, and have also gotten a few friends addicted as well.

I eat cereal, cottage cheese, and fruit most mornings before work. I'm already getting carbs and whole grains. Why eat toast?

Haha yeah I meant it goes bad in a couple of weeks even refrigerated, let alone leaving it out on the counter. My bad.

"[...]it takes quite some time for pasteurized dairy products to go bad." Milk I buy is pasteurized, as is most milk I think. It only takes a couple of weeks for milk to go bad. I don't use butter fast enough for it to not go bad leaving it on the counter.

Wait... on what computer am I typing in my Netflix account info to log-in? This seems horribly insecure. I also was hoping I could cast my desktop, not some virtual machine somewhere. Oh well.