
Haha that game was amazing. It got me hooked on MMO's. I've never seen a leveling system so realistic before, and I loved it. I hope some other game uses something like it some day.

DragonRealms. I was around 12 years old.


I consider myself a "nice guy" but I'd also consider my personality dominant. I like driving social interactions and making plans and making big decisions based on my own system of logic. I don't think they're mutually exclusive.

I prefer nice girls. Touche?

Oh it is, I assure you.

NO! No no no. I know multiple friends who've accidentally fallen asleep with their phone under their pillow, only to wake up to find that their phone overheated. Board totally fried. DO NOT DO THIS!

Ah, thank you for the clarification. Still, "best" is subjective. Money is a factor in that, too.

In my reply to someone else, I've stated that I'm not a professional gamer, nor will I ever be. I have nothing against pro gamers, and I thoroughly enjoy watching pro gaming competitions. I've paid for many. That said, I'm probably in the majority - not being a pro gamer.

Listening to See You Leave by RJD2 while watching this, and he said "runnin' with the rebels" and I lol'd.

I contested my last one and the guy was nice because there was only one sign on the entire block that said it was a Loading Zone. I got off the hook.

How exactly do they verify that someone marks as "deceased" is actually deceased? Seems like a really easy prank to pull if the verification is too easy.

I know. Read my reply to the other reply-er. I'm not a pro by any means. I just like moving my mouse very little for a lot of motion.

Thank you for posting this! I'm SO pumped to see them at Electric Forest this year!!

Yeah the main problem with my setup is sniping haha I need to get around to working for that like you said with on-the-fly DPI switching.

My DPI is 5600 and pretty high sensitivity so I don't need to move my mouse a whole lot to spin a 360.

And that's why you don't answer the door if they won't say who it was. You get shot and killed by a cop. I can barely even believe that that's true. Aren't cops trained to keep their safeties on at all times except when there is a conscious decision in assessing an immediate threat?

My current boss' name is Marty Friedman... coincidence? I think NOT!

That's what it was, thank you for the correction!

I've been in the beta, and I love it. I told you so?