
I can blame them.

See, I thought this the other day, too. Then, we all have to remember that Nintendo made a LOT of firsts on controllers ever since NES. I think it was the first controller to have a D-pad. The SNES controller was the first to have shoulder buttons. The N64 controller was the first to have a joystick on it. The Wii

I've always wanted to use one... but I'm always afraid that there won't be a place to return the bike closer to where I want to go and I'll just end up having to bike back to the starting location to return it.

I started playing games when I was less than 2 years old. I'm 25 now. The word "play" may not be entirely accurate, but I assure you that I never EVER went to my parents to figure out something in a game. I don't think it was because I knew they wouldn't know the answer; I think it was because I love figuring out

SPOILER ALERT: Wouldn't it make more sense if you couldn't see The Narrator, since Tyler is the one who shows what the physical character was actually doing? Or am I way off?

Why post about billions when you can post about... millions?

Do you remember where in Cape Cod and how long ago that was? I live near Boston and would LOVE to do this.

Good to know! Thanks, I hope so!

Do you remember what the outcome of the player interest "gauge" or survey was? This is relevant to my interests.

I didn't say you lied. I didn't know you meant from the front page. Now it makes more sense. I was merely supplying a suggestion in case you weren't aware is all.

I agree, but hyperlinks are pink, though. Also, why aren't you using middle mouse on hyperlinks to open new tabs? You can even hold shift while middle-mouse clicking to move focus to the new tab instantly.

Yus. FantomenK is fantastic and I found them because of him.

YYEEAAAAAH FantomenK!!!!!

Just like I will keep saying Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin for Rock Band. Now that they've FINALLY let Spotify stream their music, why not let people share some of their experience in their homes? Hell, they should have their own damn GAME like The Beatles. I would pre-purchase

"Hoped" that they'll have consumer-level ones out in 2 years? God damnit... I feel like Cartman when he was waiting for the Wii. Excuse me while I go freeze myself so I can fast forward to the future.

Yeah. I only mentioned it because you said "non-Nintendo consoles" and I was thinking LAN (lol at Gamecube's LAN support), but now I see you meant local or couch gaming on one system, which I completely agree with. N64 case in point on that one.

Like Towerfall, this game is worth $15 IMO, although I just bought it for $12. I was playing it with my roommates last night for at least an hour, and we'll definitely be playing it again. It has pinpoint accurate controls and variants to spice things up, although not quite as many variants as Towerfall. This game

The only correct answer is: not enough. I hope this spurs many, many more.

Halo: CE had GREAT LAN support. I had many a Halo party with 12-16 people at my house. In fact, I can thank Halo single-handedly for forcing me to learn the absolute basics of home networking when I was 14, back when the difference between crossover and straight-through made the difference between being able to frag

Long live couch gaming!!! Games like Towerfall, BombSquad, and Nidhogg give me such great hope :D