
I think it's because they ran the TV's on 6 AA's for about 6 seconds before the batteries died. That's how they came up with the idea for the Game Gear...

Caption for your video:

Varies widely based on the quality you're streaming. I believe you can directly change the setting between ~92kbps to ~320 on WiFi and non-WiFi (3G/4G) independently to try to avoid data overages. That's on the Android version of the app. I'd hope the iOS version has the same options.

That's awesome! Every time I hear the term "homing pigeon", though, I can't help but think this:

I have a roughly "3K" PC monitor (2560x1600, which is roughly double the pixels of 1920x1080 and roughly half the pixels of 3840x2160), and it's pretty great.

I bet this was not only in one take, but that he just filmed this cause he loves ad-libbing and they were like "welp. we have to use this."

Now playing

"Why don't you make like a tree...and GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!"

haha Oh my god, so Borat stole one of his most famous catch-phrases from the man, the myth, the legend: Christopher Walkin.

All glory to Arstotzka.

...but can it play Crysis?

I saw Magneto helmets.

Clearly the work of humans causing climate change. Time to repent. /s

Dem hips. O_O

Same. This is the second time in the past couple of days I've falsely called out someone for saying/not saying something they actually did. My head hurts, and I'm sick.

Then build your own and put SteamOS on it. Problem solved. You'll have your own personal unique Steam Machine.

Fair enough. Sorry, my head is in a haze today and I still somehow didn't see that...

You didn't say it blurs the line. You said it's more or less a console haha

It's a near infinitely configurable set of hardware that uses a totally open-source and free OS that can play a myriad of games? That seems more like a PC to me.