
That's why I'm reading this article.

Um. It was 50+ F here in Massachusetts near Boston. Hence the ridiculous fog this morning.

LOL at "Coolest Cordless" there is CLEARLY a cord there!

I had a very similar device in middle school... except I had a German language translator card in it instead of the Bible.

Are you actually comparing a grizzly bear to a gun?

I like this. Take Left 4 Dead's "director AI" where enemy spawns are different and take it a step further with some Diablo-type random level generation. Keep it coming. Near-instant procedural generation is a huge advantage of video games over traditional games.

Posting an article is a big deal? I'd think posting many articles is a big deal, and posting one is a small deal.

Zelda II is not a bad game - for its time. It's a frustratingly challenging game, but I enjoyed it.

So I did haha point taken. I guess we'll have to wait and see how they did during the holiday season.

"We ain't found SHIT!"

...it's available for streaming.

This is extremely impressive! I can only see 3 big things that broke the realism for me:

I think the preview picture should tip you off that it's gonna be loud haha

They JUST released Dota 2... I think.

You... you have no B button.

This is funny, but extremely rare. For the entire second half of the video, I was waiting for the bandit to get shot in the back by some random person.

Now playing

This is literally version 1.0 of The Matrix.

Pretend they're pole dancing?