
Did you like the song I linked? That's quality dubstep. Hauntingly beautiful, IMHO. If not, that's too bad. To each his own.

Mr. Shikadance!!

I'll wait for the stealth model.

It's a robot. If it does it perfectly once, it can more easily repeat the same steps than a human can.

Some of them are genuinely laugh out loud funny. I think the mouse in the wheel made me laugh the loudest, and possibly the pug "riding dirty" or whatever song that was.

Why does dubstep make you cry? Because some of it is beautiful? Or because all music is an acquired taste and you can't appreciate it yet? Fineshrine by Purity Ring

I lol'd a few times in that clip! So, what's the best way to watch this show?

It was a rhetorical joke, but thank you haha the Deadly Duplicator is from Harvey Birdman, voiced by Lewis Black.

"What the FUCK is chipotle, anyway?!"

Dumber, you say? This makes him more mute? Interesting hypothesis... but impossible.

So... it took an entire team of people to come up with the name... for a snake... and came up with...


Also available on OUYA. Score!

...and the AMD CEO subsequently threw up his hands and quit.

Pretty sure the most forgotten and undersold GTA game ever was Grand Theft Auto. As in, the very first one. That one still has the most time played by me. None since GTA 2 really grabbed my interest. GTA V, though? Multi-player is JUST the sort of motivation I need to get into it.

I finally did it last night. I think I had like 5 bombs. I had to make him smash 75% of the level to do it safely. Those god-damned monkeys got me once. NEVER AGAIN. I didn't know they stunned me haha I feel so accomplished, it took me 43 hours of play time to beat it by myself. I didn't have the jetpack either. I had

That's the price you pay for shoe-horning after-market software on top of a game that wasn't designed AT ALL to be used by this thing. It's amazing it works at all.

If you're gonna pick a Warcraft, it's definitely II. Although, I loved both games. The War3 multi-player wasn't my cup of tea, but it's still good.

Yup! How do you like it? I'm just LOVING it. Very challenging, and when I die half the time I burst out laughing cause it was in such a comical fashion.