
Look up "google car accidents". The only one you'll find is when the car isn't driving itself. When driving autonomously, the "google car" has had 0 accidents.

I love how they purposefully left the controller out of the picture so it could be any device he's playing.

Stop saying "magical" to describe Apple products. They're not magical. It was bad enough that Jobs called the iPad magical.

Yo. Bitch. Get out the way.

That's what butlers' butlers are for.

Spoiler alert: a USA team will win the Super Bowl. and the World Series.

Did they use a Leap Motion?

I think the whole open-container laws would have to be revised... it's not like the robot car can get drunk! :D

You would know. Your last name is practically "writer" in German. Also, why is the "I" capitalized in your user name here?

It's not rocket surgery.

I was gonna say the same thing about "JACKALOPE".

My brain inserted the exact *GASP* noise that happens when you get hurt in GoldenEye.

Listening to Fist Up by Gramatik, and this gif went near-perfectly to the beat for a good 5 or 6 loops. Bravo haha

When the "player" looks up in the video, it became clear to me that he was completely and directly controlling where the camera is looking. I could be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me.

I'm glad you said this, because last night I thought I was going crazy. I remember hearing about a game called Game Dev Story a long time ago, and I almost made the poor assumption that Game Dev Tycoon was the sequel by the same people. I'm glad I didn't buy it if they did indeed totally rip it off.

Um... it showed a female graphic designer talking about epic loot. Short-term memory, huh?

Although, this is just as big of a risk. If they're smart businessmen (and evil) they can use their vertical integration to remove power from the consumer to get more money.

That doesn't really look like a hovercraft. That looks like a fucking massive "fanboat".

The problem is that people don't even understand what they're paying for. I definitely know of people who would scoff at paying $15 for a legitimate game like TowerFall or Spelunky, but would, in a heartbeat, download a free-to-play game, and then continue to pay their "developer" (I use that term loosely) dividends

Let them eat lies. - Cake