
Ahem. Wikipedia: "The word classic means something that is a perfect example of a particular style, something of lasting worth or with a timeless quality. "

Some people like to live in their world where Android and Nintendo and iOS simply can't handle full-fledged games beyond the super-casual Angry Birds remote waggling.

Oh. Reading fail on my part. :X Yeah, that's weirdly worded or wrong I hope...

I take it that you didn't understand what a vaccine is. A vaccine is literally giving you a very small portion of the disease in a form that trains your body how to defeat it in the future. Often times, this means that your body develops anti-bodies or some other immunal defense that stays with you for much if not all

Galaxy S4 has this feature. I haven't used it, because it says it drains your battery faster, which I believe, so I can't comment on how well it works.

"Hilarious" by Louis C.K. comes to mind.

You downplay Samsung's voice recognition software when you bundle it in with AirView (I still don't understand what exactly that does). On the S4, you can double press the Home button to enter voice recognition mode, and it works very well. I've sent a few texts and told my phone to navigate me to a few places without

Really wish he put the word espresso in there...

Kind of like the Metro Last Light trailer? I think that's what it was anyway.

I think I first watched D&Der when I was like 8 or 9, and I didn't get that joke until years after either! For a "dumb" movie, pun intended, the writing really is spectacular.

I have one. I loved it. It got stolen. I bought another one. I still love it. One of my friends who played it with me bought one the night he played TowerFall at our house after he got home.

"Ohhh, Samsonite! Hah I was wayy off."

It's funny you say that... because all Terran Marines started as Space Marines. Blizzard and Games Workshop had a cooperative deal way back when, and when GW backed out, Blizzard got to keep using the same concepts.

Wasn't the Wii designed to be left switched on for 10 years? It's way smaller than Xbone.

Please tell me they also have a panoramic camera mounted on the top, too... if a Transformer came from behind, we need proof.

Haha I figured that, twas a joke.

Yeah, like Xerox.

Maybe she's going through puberty...


For me, it was pretty much the SD slot.