
Third weakest player on the team...

StarCraft has also had "talk to your crew after the mission" since the very beginning. Why the Mass Effect comparison when that's not even an RTS? Just curious. I suppose some might argue that in StarCraft, it's really "talk to your crew before the mission" but it's basically the same thing.

Are pew pew lasers really so far off from pew pew magic missile? ;)

I believe Andrew asked if he could use it to play his games as he would use a monitor. I see no mention of him asking if it would work with the standard desktop.

I believe this console caters to way more "types" of games than any other console out there, since the bar for entry is so low. I want that really wacky quirky game that tries some very strange concept that actually turns out to be quite interesting and fun TowerFall, let alone completely and utterly hilarious, like

$3 for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I regret to inform that I bought it and still haven't played it yet... but I will.


Did anyone see the FedEx logo split by the truck door being up and see F**k?

I've had my OUYA for a couple of months, and I've spent probably $50 on games. Guess I'm weird. I've been playing a bunch of games. A few nights ago, we were playing TowerFall (which I've paid $15 for and it's worth EVERY penny) and one of my friends says "I'm buying an OUYA".

As much as I love peanut butter... how is this different than how a Chapstick works? Did Chapstick forget to patent this? :/

I didn't even know about that deal when I ordered it... I just wanna watch Netflix downstairs without having a computer connected to it :D

Ehh... not really. For one thing, the OUYA has its own store with quite quirky indie games that are super easy to publish on, and it has a pretty strong community vibe. Also, the content has to be in the cloud, so this won't really work with that either.

This is my 3 seconds of Internet faux-fame... I went to high school with one of The Doubleclicks :3

Has it occurred to anyone that they simple don't have the tutorial implemented yet? It is in alpha...

It will get another update, according to a dev. Unless 1.2 is already out.

It's not just a slightly more detailed Terraria. It's a million billion Terraria's, since you can travel to other planets, solar systems, and galaxies with the same character. No, logging out of Terraria and into another one isn't the same thing :3

I've fallen in love with Savant's music and his fusion of many musical genres. SO excited to play a game featuring his music!! I can only hope that it contains my two favorites, Starfish and Splinter.

Mr F.

Expected the Mario one. Impressed by the Colonization one. Very nice! Earned that Colonization end sequence when I was 5 or 6.

What they're saying is that they're probably not good at editing. They want to pay someone or people to professionally edit it. You know, someone who is REALLY good at editing.