
Does this annotation ruin the visual appeal?

There was an episode of House on this. She couldn't feel any pain at all. It's basically a doctor's nightmare. Hilarity ensued!

I honestly just thought it was a picture of a dude trying to photo-bomb this guy's interview. I'm not naive, but are we SURE that's what he was doing? GIFs can be deceiving.

I think he's saying the damage is done. A lot of people may already have their heart set on PS4 now. Or I'm giving him too much credit, I don't know.


They should make a new LostMagic. That game was hella fun on DS. All they need to do is make it easier to scroll around the battlefield / have a mini-map. Drawing your spells was wicked fun!

Yeah... this song isn't good. I'd rather listen to the new Daft Punk album ... or, you know, just about anything else. It sounds like a song I could make in a few hours, and I've never made a song before in my life.


... Mr. Gay Man Watch is WAY more fitting. He's more old-school than Mario, one of, (not sure) if not THE, oldest video game character Nintendo has. Actually, come to think of it, Wii Fit girl is probably the only new "character" Nintendo has made in a REALLY long time.

Isn't Xbox One's RAM DDR3? Not GDDR3.

Collar of Dog: Black Lab

Mom doesn't want you to video tape her gaming with you.

Season 4 Episode 20 of Sponge Bob: entitled "Best Day Ever".

Did they at least play the Fever Bonus music? If they didn't, that was an appalling oversight. Fever Bonus was the best thing about the entire game. Made me feel like I just won both showcases on the Price is Right by beating Plinko.

Of course, Microsoft will own any video uploaded in the fine print, I'm sure.

LOL but you told the story, and now everyone can laugh at it. So, at least there's that.

Yeah, because terrorists can't find other ways to communicate anyway. HERPADERP, Washington.

Thank you for checking!

Considering how Aladdin has no relation to video cards or computers or ANY technology, I'd say it's pretty obscure due to complete lack of context. I wasn't saying the movie was obscure.