
Hahaha nice first sentence obscure reference. In all seriousness, though, isn't it Infinite cosmic power? It's been a while, and I can't remember.

Great. Now I have 3 days to live. God help us all...

It's not even this accurate. It would be more like:

Dude has GOT to either step the hell away from the mic, or buy a mic that cost more than $5. My $10 Labtec mic sounds worlds better than this.

"Two: It's disgusting."

This seems like it's common sense. If you could somehow drop ball 1 of Newton's cradle, then instantly destroy it, then add on a ball at the end of the chain (ball n), wouldn't you expect ball n to resume the motion that ball 1 started? How has this not been done already? Or am I missing the point?


I think your so-called tv.pandora.com link is actually to tv,pandora.com

So you're saying that you want to be able to play the beta for free, and then buy the full game if you want to? Yeah, I suppose that's fair.

I think if they named it that, then Kanye fans would get really confused. :3

Well played, but shouldn't the A be upside-down?

"You’ll also get the game for free when it releases on PC."

lol "clock-blocked" This might be my favorite nerdiest pun, ever.

She's dead, Jim. Let her go.

Great point. That's one of the reasons why I love StarCraft.

Yes, only Americans eat this crap. MURICA*COUGH*ns are *AHEM* awful people.

Up Yours G-Men.

Did anyone else find it funny that he used the phrase "play off duty"? I couldn't HELP but think Call Off Duty, and I've barely ever even played those games.

Aw, what's the matter, Zynga? Everyone seeing through your number-crunching-game where you can only do more than 3 actions per day if they pay you? Boo. Hoo. Feel bad for the employees, but I think everyone agreed that Zynga's success wouldn't last long.