
Probably so that when their interrogator came (and inevitably had to open the door) they couldn't see who it was... unless the interrogator has pitch black night vision.

He might have been talking about consoles, which I'm sure is a lot easier to develop for since you know 100% of the hardware configuration for every person who plays it.

Fun would be a vast understatement. I haven't lol'd so many times playing a game in a long time. It has this special sort of charm that makes it fun even when you die, like every time. It's fun playing it single-player, but it's REALLY fun playing it with friends!

Thank you! The only one I've played from that list is DKC Returns, and it was for like 5 minutes. :( I hate being so busy to not be able to play these games. Don't make me choose! I wanna play them all.

Care to give your favorites in each category? Now I'm curious ... show me the hidden gems I missed! I want to play them.

The most prominent aspect of Left 4 Dead this game is using is safe rooms? Come on man, you can do better than that. How about the 4 characters?

I get the reference, but are you calling me stupid?

That guy looks a LOT like Paul Rudd... is he Paul Rudd?

#corrections Why is this tagged with CES? This is the GDC.

If it can play N64 games in 3D, I would say it's a safe bet that it can play GBA games, yes. And obviously the standard 3DS games are much higher graphical quality than GBA.

Sweet mother of mercy... I'll take one.

Very slowly but surely... kinda like how Steam is now on Mac OS X. I would imagine that some day Steam will be available on that, too. And PC games will at long last cross the River Styx, that great divide of PC gaming, and it will be glorious.

When I find this person, I must be able to play the sound effect NAH NAH NAH NAAAAH!!! You know, the sound that plays when Link finds a shiny new item. Then, my life will be complete.

One problem: games.

LOL Let's break down the last warning, shall we?

Haha I think it's saying don't wrap the power cord around the console nor the power adapter, which a LOT of people do I'm sure. That's probably the only non-obvious warning to most people.

I think he was talking more about the position of the dpad than the dpad itself.

How did you get a star?

How much is this?! I think I just nerdgasm'd for the first time, and I don't even know why it's so amazing it just IS.

Plunkett, I suggest that you watch the Angry Video Game Nerd's reviews of these games (I'm guessing you haven't actually played them, and neither have I). In these videos, he explains why they are so terrible - the controls and the gameplay. Without these two, you really don't even have an interactive experience, let