
@HungerSTGF: ummmm StarCraft? I also want to try my hand at playing Minecraft some time.

@MissAshley42: A lot of people forget that Blizzard was as big as Activision when the merger too place. That's right, it was a MERGER. Activison did not buy Blizzard. Blizzard makes like 2 billion dollars per year from WoW alone (12 million players * $15 / month * 12 months / year = $2.16 billion).

@themightyspitz: The Unstoppable Force meets The Immovable Object. It's like that riddle: "Can a god make a rock so heavy that s/he cannot lift it?"

@Zinger314: : | OK...or Kotaku won't let me post greater than symbols.

@Peeomp: 8-Bit Theater: "I cast *magic missile.*"

@SpicyMeatball: They can run on water for about five or six steps. I'm pretty sure it's real...or maybe not.

@touchitgently: "A wild Snooki appeared!...but, fainted."

@Silence04: ... incest porn ... iPorn. I quit.

...the only cat bigger than a Lion is, of course, a Liger. Do it, Jobs. I DARE you.

@Baraka_Obama: I also have a gold N64 controller (Toys 'R Us FTW). Practically broke it out of a normal use (that control stick is shoddy, and it's an official Nintendo one). It now resides in my fraternity house for people to continue to enjoy the N64 days. :)

@M0squ1t0: This. A shame, too because I loved and still love Goldeneye to death. I just have other game(s) I want to play/make.

@Jbluez: If someone protested at any of my family member's funerals, I would protest outside their house for years until they apologized for putting me through further pain.

That's funny because... that looks like every other Jeep.

@unitoperation: I must have missed it somehow even though I was specifically listening for it haha. Oh well!

I think this xpac is a great idea, but couldn't help but notice that he basically says "no one asked for this, so we gave it to them!" I'm sure this will sell well regardless, but that sounds like flawed marketing.

@Steed123: Why does your sentence insulting people with "mental deficiencies" use the word "being" when you mean to use the word "begin?"

It is no coincidence that Lost Woods by Moka came up on Pandora just as I started reading this. It's a great rendition, and it put me in the perfect mood to "nostalgize" all over this article. Yeah, it's a verb now. Anywho...

I love that he fails to note the employees who spontaneously combust in a roaring inferno...multiple times. I was interested in that.