Flaco Jones

Too many errors in such a short article...

The episode title is “Dead or Alive Or.” Not “Dead or Alive.” Not “Alive or Dead.”

For those of you who spend a significant amount on PSN, the Capital Rewards PlayStation credit card is seriously one to add to your wallet. It gives you 10% back in the form of Sony Rewards points. I’ve used it countless times to get psn $ which in turn I’ve used to get more psn goodies. There is no annual fee and

These are all from me.

You’re not getting enough of stars for this.

...I, uh...don't think we watched the same Lego Movie.

Now fix the aiming on console.

Bernie’s current strategy is to flip super delegates at the convention, convincing them to go against the winner of both the popular vote and pledged delegates...sounds oddly like what he has been complaining about the whole time

Also obligatory: R.I.P. City.

Alaska has a simple-to-tattoo design and a separatist movement, so I’m betting they rank up there, at least on a per capita basis.

Oh, wow. This is awesome. +1!

They do this a lot in Philly, too, but there they just call it the 2nd quarter.

The only baby with any real motor is the winner, who cried through the pain and scrapped her way to a victory. That’s called respecting the damn game.

Yeah, he’s got an “eating disorder.” And “Eating dat order and another order.”

I have Sandoval in a rotisserie league and he’s just killing it for me.

Even if I had the money to invest in an external hard drive, I wouldn’t do it. I don’t need to yet another device taking up space near my tv. So many consoles. ugh.

Is that Jimmy Fallon in a fake beard?