
I just finished reading "Pictures at a Revolution" and this just makes me want to rewatch the original even more.

I think it might be my favorite of his. Doomed and innocent.

As the following seasons go by, Ted's alzheimers worsens. The narrative becomes increasingly unreliable, and repetitive. Storylines dissolve and wash into others. Ted is ultimately strangled with a pillow.

O'Neal's Franco mag is just perfect.

She also dated famous halfman Angus T. Steakflower and it was figured into the math.

I will not not be ok with that

I thought we had kinda stopped with the whole generic uncompelling racist thing. Are White Guilt movies still a thing? This looks almost as oscar-baity as that Butler movie. But hey, its based on a literary property and seems to actually have a plot beyond unrelenting misery. And Ejiofor, whos praises I shall always

Phipps looks like a superhero.

I'm glad it's better than it looks.

I've wanted to see D.O.A for a while now. Is it "Crank" from 1951? Cause I'd watch that.