“They’re asking for SOLIDARITY and ACTION.”
Horse shit. If a bunch of white women showed up at a BLM protest, Kara and other SJWs would shit all over them for being “white interlopers”.
“They’re asking for SOLIDARITY and ACTION.”
Horse shit. If a bunch of white women showed up at a BLM protest, Kara and other SJWs would shit all over them for being “white interlopers”.
“Anyway, I think narrative of this type is productive in getting white people to reconsider what our roles and responsibilities are.”
It sure is! It makes me want to avoid blacks and their constant problems as much as humanly possible. They can help themselves.
“the majority of those participating there and throughout the country were white women.”
Wow, how awful for you. And in a white-majority country, no less! The nerve!!!!
Maybe you should just totally avoid whites and have nothing to do with them then.
You should shit on liberal white women for not being sufficiently “woke” some more, that will help.
It will help re-elect Trump in 2020, that is.
HAW HAW!!!!!
“The site’s cartoonishly controversial content immediately became great fodder for not only feminist blogs”
Wait, this article is about Jezebel?
“You decide how much shame/white guilt you feel.”
None, which is why I get such good gut laffs from white-guilt SJWs.
How awful! White liberal women are THE WORST!!!
How awful that an event in a white-majority city in a white-majority state had a white majority.
As a white, I’m doing my part to fix racism by avoiding black people and black stuff as much as humanly possible.
Why should I be empathetic towards a group of people who hate me and don’t want me around, even to help them?
“many American will ascribe his behavior to all black people.”
“we were not included in feminism’s efforts”
How, exactly, were you “not included”?
Keep this up and soon even the naive bleeding-heart white women won’t give a shit about you at all.
“Drumpf”! Sick burn dude! I bet you made him cry. You lamed out though, you should have worked an “orange cheeto” insult in there somewhere.
That’s because you are ignorant fucking libtards. You’re naive, and you are wasting your time trying to help people who actually hate you just because you are white.
“To be an ally of POC, LGBTQ, immigrants, Muslims”
Why would I want to do that?
“I can own my own privilege”
What, exactly, does that even mean? What do you “do” when you “do that”, and what does it “accomplish”?
white guilt makes you stupid