
Blacks also make up only 13% of the entire USA population.

“in the attempt to prevent being held accountable”

I keep seeing variations of this phrase, but nobody EVER ACTUALLY EXPLAINS what, exactly, they are “being held accountable” for!

“accountability”... for what, exactly?

“called out”... for what, exactly?

White guilt makes you stupid.

why should I even give a shit

Here it is for the USA, enjoy!

“but it’s not like America is some shining city on a hill when it comes to the rates of rape.”

You might be interested in the USA’s rape stats broken down by race of rapist, keep in mind that black men make up only about 6% of the USA:

India has an absolutely terrible rape problem, even worse than South Africa, which is fucking awful. I don’t know why you would try to diminish the truth.

I don’t like black people*

“speaking the truth”

What truth? Point it out.

“The Women’s Suffrage movement was racist as hell. Our feminist roots are racist and we need to accept that and move forward.”

Why do black men commit such astonishingly disproportionate amounts of rapes?

“We need to shut the fuck up and listen to women of color”

What if what they are saying is really stupid?

“As a white lady, I want to know what I can do.”

They want you to grovel a lot, and then die.

white guilt causes stupidity

I was wondering when you would write cheetoh. You could have gone for the sick burn of “Drumpf” too, but you lamed out!

“I don’t see color/ethnicity.”

I do! I work around lots of black people. My extensive experience with them is what has caused me to be racist towards them. When I was a naive white liberal with hardly any direct experience of blacks, I wanted to like them and care about their constant problems.  

It’s the exact

I might suck at it, but I suck at shitting on my own side less than you do.