
I’m not here to entertain you.

Reality/Nature itself is racist.

Deal with it.

“What are you even doing on this site?”

Shoving your face into your own shit.

Your butthurt response proves that I’m right, and don’t kink-shame me.

“I’m just really genuinely curious as to what exactly feminists of colour would like to see white women do.”

That’s easy! Die. They ultimately want you to die, whitey.

“ so unwilling to listen when a woman of color speaks about her experience”

But a lot of times when they speak about their experiences, like Kara, they say some really stupid shit.

“instead of listening to WoC.”

So, I’ve listened to WoC. I just think a lot of their complaints are stupid and overwrought.

Now what?

Keep this “white tears” shit up. Sneer at your own side some more. You will help re-elect Trump in 2020 just like you SJWs just did. We deplorables appreciate it.

“White women do not show up for their black sisters. They need to start doing that.”

But when they do show up, they are told by “their black sisters” that they are “white interlopers” who need to shut up and better yet go away.

That guy is a great example of the “White Guilt Causes Stupidity” principle.

And you predictably shit on white people for no other reason than they are white. Enjoy helping re-elect Trump in 2020!!!

She’s just a good example of the fact that white guilt causes stupidity.

Shit like this helped Trump get elected.

“ I don’t trust white women to ever have my back.”

Cool, the feeling is mutual.

You know what helped the left win the Presidential election?

Doubling-down on the sneering, anti-white SJW shit.

Oh, what, the left lost the election? Whoops my bad.

Keep it up and you will help re-elect Trump in 2020.

“ we’re continuing to hold folks accountable across genders, across race.”

How, exactly, are you doing that?
What, exactly, are you holding them accountable for?

“not wanting to do the hard work of making change, of challenging their own privilege.”

What exactly does that babbling jargon mean? What does it really entail?
As far as I can tell, “challenging their own privilege” = “give me your money and shut up, whitey”.

They don’t want your help, nothing you could do will ever be good enough for them, and they actually hate you. Leave them alone. It’s what they want.

“We cannot afford to turn into a circular firing squad.”