
“To be better about talking to other white women (and men) about intersectionalism and white privilege.”

Oh god you sound insufferable.

OOOOOH! You called him Drumpf, twice even! Sick burn!!!! I bet you made him cry.

White guilt causes stupidity.

Hey, keep on shitting on white people, especially on white women! That will really help you win elections!!!

SJW shit like this helped elect Trump, and will help elect him again in 2020. Keep it up!

white guilt causes stupidity


“-The inclusion of uteruses and vaginas on signs was offensive toward Trans* women.”

Shit like this is why Trump will win again in 2020.

Those white bitches should have rioted and broken windows and flipped cop cars and burned them. Then you wouldn’t have anything to complain about.


“It should be pointed out to you when it’s relevant.”

Who gets to decide that?

“I was annoyed that people few people were willing to chant at all.”

That’s because all those chants are fucking stupid and annoying as shit.

Why is John Lewis amazing?

What kind of “progress” did he bring to Selma?

“The crowd at my sister march was mostly white.”

How awful! Disgusting!

“Tone policing means that every single time anyone points out to white people they have certain privileges they ought to recognize and they shouldn’t forget about other people”

How often should that happen? Every day? How often should my privilege get pointed out to me? Every 5 minutes? How often should I check my

Maybe you should just stop giving a shit about them and stop helping them in any way.

What was actually done to make them feel unwelcome?

“they were largely white and largely organized by white women.”

What’s wrong with that?

Does “tone policing” mean that you can shit all over white people all you want, but then you cry “tone policing” when they point out what an asshole you are being?

So what do you want them to do? Say they are sorry every minute of every day?

“If you are actually “trying to help” and the people you are “trying to help” are “bitching and yelling” at you... maybe that’s a good time for you to take a step back and self-reflect, or perhaps even *gasp* listen.”

OR just stop giving a shit about them and their issues and problems, and leave them the fuck alone,