
I’ve had really amazingly awesome, insightful things pointed out to me about other films by Rocky IV fans. It’s just something about the Rocky franchise that makes them sound like, well, Rocky.

And I was just being a shit on the internet. I think one could make a case that it was a unique style to shoot a film in. If you wanted to go over-the-top (intended!) with the critique you talk about the montages being homage to the silent film days. Or you could talk about how they emphasize the action, in a way that

I’ll say this for Rocky IV...It’s one of the best litmus tests when meeting new people.
Subtly find a way to bring it up. The reactions will tell you whether you want to hang with that person, or avoid them the next time you’re in the same place.
This works for people who hate, love it, and everyone in between. I

It doesn’t help that the most vocal Rocky franchise fans think IV is the BEST MOVIE EVAR!
When most people talk Rocky, it’s fanboys getting excited about a training montage.
So, yeah. It’s really hard to get anyone to take you seriously when you say the first movie is actually pretty good. Because if a fanboy is within

Experimental? You’re giving a LOT of credit to a cash grab movie.
The montages exist to lengthen a movie they couldn’t even be bothered to write Rocky-level diaglogue for.

Jesus. If I took a shit and said it was anti-communist turd would you celebrate it, too?

I had a history professor in college. Overall a very understated, conservative (not politically) guy.
In a rare moment of sharing his personal feelings, he laughed at how laughable the Cold War had gotten such that an Olympic hockey win made us feel like we were on top of the world. If things were really that bad, how