fka marchaprilmay

The after party outfits were sooo much better than the red carpet looks. Why is that? People upped the sexy/ daring factor after the show. Here for it.

Eh, I love procedurals and find them endlessly entertaining, so I actually don’t find it boring at all. And I really like how open Lucifer is about his identity, because I do find the secret identity thing to be really exhausting.

Whatever else you think about this show, it did give us this:

important note that her label is sony/columbia! adele is boss.

It could be because so few rapists ever actually get convicted. 2% of all rapists actually ever see jail time, rape kits sit for years, decades even before being processed, women are humiliated and have their sex lives examined in public during trails. The system is rigged against rape victims ever seeing justice,

You would think that any reasonable, non-racist person would be able to make an exception for executive orders and/or other federal intervention where the enslavement of human beings is concerned. “States’ rights” my ass.

Get a better hero.

The full apology popped up in my Facebook feed today. His claim is that his joke was he got so drunk on the plane that he thought he was something he wasn’t. An Australian. Drunker. A black Australian. Even drunker. An Australian Girl. It wasn’t a very good joke and he could have made it without referencing anyone’s

First two words of the song: “She said”. It’s supposed to be about a woman saying “I want to push you” around etc

I’m so sorry. I put my cat down a year and a half ago. My advice— be there when they do it, because they will look for you if you’re not. Hold him and tell him how much you love him and pet him in his favorite spot. You will be surprised how ready they are. You will cry your face off, but the vet doesn’t mind. It’s

JUST GONNA SIT OVER HERE CRYING GUYS. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve owned both cats and dogs and losing them opens up a hole in your heart that can shock you, especially if you aren’t prepared for the pain. You did a great thing by providing him with a home while he was here. You’re good people.


I feel like it really depends on the hair. I have lots of friends who can easily do once a week washing. Mine gets really greasy and gross if I go more than a day. Which isn’t to say I’m not just fine with having it be greasy and gross a lot of the time.

Fucking debtors’ prison, fucking christ. This story is horrifying.

I bet it cost more than 1500 dollars to deploy seven U.S. Marshalls. for an hour or two.

Thanks for being “that guy"

Thanks for giving me nightmares. I have a phobia of snakes. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

If anyone actually read their Bible and saw what, the description of that, it’s disgusting.

Check your privilege before criticizing someone’s religious dress. Incarcerated people tend to rely on religion to comets terms with their situation.

I thought Mulder’s response showed that he *knew* it wasn’t right to say “she used to be a man,” but the proper way to describe the situation to someone who was completely ignorant. As the toad character so desperately wanted to die because his very identity was now challenged by his body- they drew the parallel but