I would not want to be asked about the Middle East all the time either. Speaking in public on that is like playing Russian roulette.
I would not want to be asked about the Middle East all the time either. Speaking in public on that is like playing Russian roulette.
Not so humble brag: I got to see spring awakening with the original cast. That means I got to see johnathon groffs butt cheek, Lea Michelle's tit, and John Gallagher jrs amazing flock of seagulls hairdoo.
Start denying Christians their rights on religious grounds and see how fast this shit changes. EXPECIALLY if it has anything to do with Sharia Law. *GASP*
So I presume that this woman is equally vigilant about applying her other Christian beliefs at her work by not serving anyone who is non-christian? Or anyone who has ever sinned by lying, coveting, or working on Sundays? Or anyone that has ever gotten divorced?
How do we get these types of Christians to see that they are legally wrong and they are being unchristian? How do you convince people like this of the separation between church law and state law? How is this fixed?
Why can’t we ever have the police brutality be on people breaking laws like this?
Clerk: I refuse to obey the law and do my job because of religious beliefs....
Misrepresented dick size is a common thing.
Honestly, Kim is not the person who comes out looking bad in this quote...
Unfortunately the revenue aspect is part of the larger problem. That being people thinking women’s sports are boring or lame, or really generally less than that of men playing sports. So the women’s games get shoved to BS networks like Fox Sports 1 or ESPN 8 the Ocho.
I doubt it’s 40X less than the Men’s league, considering how much they suck combined with how little Americans care about soccer. If we’re going to talk about revenue, let’s also ask how much money is being spent promoting men’s teams vs. women’s.
I don’t get it. Like I read this several times and literally don’t understand what’s happening, can someone explain it without me having to watch that video and give the guy youtube views?
So...what, they’re doing their impressions of their favourite confederate soldiers?
those are some pretty good butts tho
It’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna go ahead and come out with it: I actually kind of love Kim Kardashian.
See, this is what I really hate about modern policing. Over the past couple of decades, I’ve seen more cops go full rude on people - people of a varieties of ethnicities and ages - for the most minor stuff. I don’t know if it’s the movies they like to watch, or their own perception of the daily struggles of cops or…
I have to disagree there. As a teacher I’ve had chairs and desks tossed at me, I’ve had a child come at me with scissors, and I get screamed at on a regular basis. All of these situations have been dealt with by keeping calm and not escalating the situation. Cops are also supposed to be professionals and should be…
Looks like the start of a gay porno. Please let there be soccer-themed gay pornos with dudes as hot as these...
My thoughts as the second gif was loading: “Please start making out! Please start making out! “Please start making out!”
A woman who shames other women in to abstaining from sex until marriage has had not one but two pregnancies out of wedlock?
In a way, its all really cheap. I mean we spend hundreds of millions on stadiums every 15 years, and this palace only needs $237m after what, 60 years?