Dr. Galazkiewicz

So, the guy got fired from many young comedians’ dream job. This was in response to a public outcry arising from hist racist comments on a podcast, and a portion of the comedy audience effectively disavowed him and continues to do so as seen in the current blowback to his being offered a hosting gig.

it really was hilarious, pretty cool that he came up with that gimmick himself. 

I think it is absolutely important to raise up Will Harris for that interview done by “us” in 2014, and post his current website, and raise up his book on the making of Airplane! which was released last year. Here y’all go:

Is it really “veiled liberal Islamophobia” to portray a generic made-up faith to make the point that it’s bad for a religious movement to treat women like property and violently repress queer people? That seems to me to be broadly true, whether the religion in question is Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or Seraphitism.

the fact that his marriage seems to be falling apart

You know how calories eaten on vacation don’t count? For progressives, rapes against Jews don’t count.

A spokesperson for Fetterman then gave Business Insider a frankly ridiculous statement, claiming Fetterman “strongly supports a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine, and always has” but that he “strongly believes that this resolution should include language stipulating the destruction of Hamas as a precondition

This is a side effect of the left claiming that “context doesn’t matter” anymore for the better part of a decade. 

Look at Disney’s last live-action reboot, The Little Mermaid, which rewrote Ursula’s iconic villain song “Poor Unfortunate Souls” to remove sexist lyrics (“The men up there don’t like a lot of blabber/They think a girl who gossips is a bore,” among others). Ursula’s problematic verse was a deliberate narrative

Praising Last Jedi to a trollish degree is just a Barsanti thing. (I liked Last Jedi just fine, but he’s ridiculous about it.)

If you haven’t worked in a year, not because you can’t, but because you “turned a lot of things down,” then you don’t get job benefits.  This is not evidence that we’re living in a dystopia.

This site’s constant, stupid editorializing about everything is obnoxious. The Last Jedi has a lot of problems—all three of the new ones did, though clearly Rise was the worst. At any rate it is not at all a perfect cinematic masterpiece.

Only my opinion, but this entire episode seems like a step backwards for the show. The pacing was glacial and too much backstory.

I would care more what Bowen Yang thinks if he was actually funny.

Seems like his being a cop is more of a recent thing and that she’s more annoyed about him being at Danvers’ incessant beck and call. But yeah, I was kinda like, “We get it!” Danvers sending a demanding all caps text at 3:30 am was a funny detail to me, though.

No offense, but you are terrible at watching television, and therefore, probably shouldn’t be reviewing a complicated show like this one.

Weakest of the episodes so far.

While I’m enjoying this season, the sheer number of tropes and cliches is a little depressing.  It’s just a hair short of being very well written.  

Because we needed one more trope in here! The one-eyed polar bear demands it!

Why is Peter’s wife surprised that her cop husband has to work long hours on a mass-homicide case that they’re under a deadline to solve?