David Sedaris doesn’t try to make political points with his work. That’s the difference.
David Sedaris doesn’t try to make political points with his work. That’s the difference.
He didn't exactly go to great lengths to conceal her identity either. If you're going to exaggerate or embellish for a joke, at least make the other person unidentifiable.
Yeah but his embellishments caused someone to get doxxed and harassed for something that wasn’t true.
I understand the impulse to just brush this off because “oh, well all comedians embellish for comic effect”. That was my gut reaction too. But this is a little more than that. For starters, Minhaj is one of those comedians who doesn’t even really tell jokes. He’s a clapter comic who goes up on stage to make points for…
Nah, quite doubtful. The issue here is more the very specific story he told about his daughter - one where the outright fabrication about something kind of big is a weird lie to have made up.
I don’t think any of us expect that comedians are being 100% truthful and I’d even imagine many stories told may be outright…
He should not get the Daily Show job because he wasn’t even close to being the best candidate. Roy Wood Jr. was the best.
It is a thing. It just isn’t a universal thing. Because nothing is.
Well, at least the animation looks like shit.
It’s always the person you least suspect. Here, Brand is the person you most suspect, which makes you think you shouldn’t suspect him, which makes him the person you least suspect.
You think maybe when a woman shares her perspective and we automatically question her honesty and call her a man that kind of, you know, illustrates the point?
How is Chapelle “disgraced”? He’s still doing stand up and can verbally destroy anyone who comes at him (he more than held his own against Hannah Gadsby) , got a bloody Mark Twain award and I believe is on tour with Jon Stewart. I mean, Michael Richards is disgraced (rightfully) who has seen him in years.
Lol. Very refreshing to see somebody come in with a valid critique of the MeToo movement. I’m a woman with my own share of uncomfortable experiences and I quickly grew fatigued and, sometimes, annoyed by the tenor of MeToo conversations. Nuance matters and it seems that it was almost immediately declared anathema to…
“If you found out John Mulaney never actually encountered a man who professed ‘I am homeless, I am gay, I have AIDS, I’m new in town’ (in that order), it would still be an effective bit of comedy writing. But wouldn’t you be a little disappointed?”
I’m starting to think he doesn’t really want us to take his wife. Even though he said please.
Have never watched his standup, but are these just stories for his act or is he like, in interviews making the same claims? If it’s the former I don’t really care - if you believe anything a stand-up says on stage is literally real rather than a setup for laughs or a story, you’re an idiot - but if it’s a Steve…
Every day visiting the AVClub is like opening the Dead Dove: Do Not Eat bag, but the dissonance between the headline implying the video’s faked and the disdain towards people expressing the same opinion confuses the heck outta me. Like there are so many layers of snark and irony slapped on top of one another I have…
It’s incredible that an entertainment writer doesn’t know about the first thing that comes to mind about Sean Penn for anyone who was were aware of him in 1987.
I’d say it’s more like they portray themselves as NOT quite down to Earth; acting like money isn’t important certainly feels like an “above it all” sort of thing. To the extent that down-to-earth-ness is a measure of how closely one’s day to day concerns mirror those of the average person... there’s probably nothing…
Why do you say duck instead of fuck?
I knew the Me Too thing would blow over. Thats how the media is, they pick up a cause thats hot for a minute, then they forget about it.