Play stupid games....
Play stupid games....
Bobby Lee has always given be weird vibes. Something is off about the dude. That’s why I struggled with that whole Bobby Lee Vs Brandan Schaub situation, it just felt like two weird gross people having a go at eachother and both looking out at us to back them up.
Like nah..... yall keep your little weirdo fight in the…
I’m sympathetic to your cause, but is this really that much of a spoiler? Were you really expecting Earth to be taken over by Skrulls in an MCU TV show, and have it not be solved by the end of the series? Or did you think there would be a more straightforward victory for the good guys? Talos’s fate (a real spoiler in t…
If this is the best writing a human can do, then bring on the AI overlords and tell the WGA guys to find work at the Starbucks they are walking by.
Do I mean Bradstreet or Barsanti?
je-sus. i had held off watching this but binged the first 5 with a couple friends last friday (and a bottle of four roses)...and these are my most-mcu-friendly friends i have...and wow we hated it. absolutely the worst thing the mcu has released, even worse than things i think are more poorly made. just sooo fucking…
She is right. Praise creative people for their specific talent. Engage with what they produce and move on. They are not your friends, you are not owed access to their lives and they don’t care about you.
I don’t think I can name a single song of hers but I HATE hardcore fan culture with a passion, especially the toxic sense of entitlement some people seem to have, that sense that they’re owed any kind of attention or engagement from an artist just because they enjoy their work, and will turn nasty and abusive if they…
Strange how The Root isn’t covering this story anymore.
Are you going to offer any kind of apology for implying that all the people who called this a hoax racist and/or sexist?
Another sad addition to an increasingly sad and confusing story.
Also, when Oppenheimer is having visions of her death during his hearing, we see a quick shot of a gloved hand drowning her in the tub, calling into question what really happened.
“What’s perhaps worse is the way the film treats her apparent suicide as a fact.”
This song has been out for months. If no one had noticed that the location of the video was a courthouse where a lynching occured then it would have continued on it’s low charting trajectory.
American intelligence agencies don’t exactly have the soundest reputation when it comes to the assassination of people like Tatlock and yet, the questionable circumstances surrounding her death weren’t mentioned in the film.
The small business owner was asked a question by a journalist (you should look up what that is!) and answered it. He wasn’t pushing himself forward, he didn’t say or imply he was most affected by it. In fact, he didn’t use the first person singular at all in the bits you quoted.
study found people made up nearly 40 percent of all missing persons cases
How many articles have y’all written about these missing girls? Now it’s convenient to shine a light on them ONLY to draw attention away from ya Uncle Jussie’s sister. If a police officer shoots another Black man/woman, there will be 10-15 articles about it. If another Black toddler gets shot and killed, y’all won’t…
“people made up nearly 40 percent of all missing persons cases.” What a shocking statistic.
I actually couldn’t stand Holbrook in Narcos, which was the first thing I saw him in, but he’s kinda grown on me since.