Venom only works because Tom Hardy is cool, the relationship between him and Venom is funny, and #2 has Woody Harrelson chewing up the scenery like a maniac.
Venom only works because Tom Hardy is cool, the relationship between him and Venom is funny, and #2 has Woody Harrelson chewing up the scenery like a maniac.
The AV Club is making cracks about something starting strong but ultimately turning into a pile of shit? Welp, that’s enough irony for today.
What a brave take about a situation you have absolutely zero insight into.
Have you tried being hotter?
It’s not bullying to point out that a basketball player (with a couple of hundred million guaranteed) carrying an extra 60 pounds is going to put massive strain on his feet and ankles, and invite the injuries that go with. Like Zion, for instance.
Look, I voted for Biden, but let’s not pretend that his brain isn’t mush at this point. He’s clearly not as bad as Feinstein, but listen to him speak from his time as VP then listen to him now and tell me you can’t notice a sharp decline.
Maybe they can get their diapers changed together.
I’m pretty sure the tone I got from all the articles was that this dude is vain and gross, and we’re all pretty much dunking on him (I definitely feel bad about what a monster narcissist he’s probably turned his kid into).
Con Air was fucking fantastic. I can’t believe anyone would say “nobody remembers it”. It’s one of the best action movies of that era.
This just seems like a kind of random list of movies. Nobody forgot Con Air.
Oh no! People might have to start paying for a thing they used to steal. Fetch me my clutching pearls!
It’s like if Coca-Cola said “starting on May 23, we’re going to start selling cans of frogs instead. From that day on, when you open a can of Coke, there will be a live frog inside it,” and then Pepsi waited until May 23 and quietly started selling cans of snakes. Everyone would be so stunned that Coke actually went…
I think you are being a bit dramatic about the MAX switch. It worked perfectly for myself and my family members. We also were able to take 2 different pieces of information into our brains on the same day so we also knew about the Netflix crackdown.
Did not realize Canada had a national spokesperson!
WGA member on strike here. I know the opinion I’m going to express here will not be popular but cracking down on password sharing is not only logical but it’s necessary.
Good for you
Funny, because accusing anyone who doesn’t like it of thinking they were dead the whole time, as if that’s the only way anyone can possibly have a problem with it, is just as big a cliche.
Or the first meeting:
I don’t even bother with this schmuck any more