“But if you notice a decline in quality in House Of The Dragon when the second season eventually airs, that’s a sign that writers are vital to every part of the television-making process”
“But if you notice a decline in quality in House Of The Dragon when the second season eventually airs, that’s a sign that writers are vital to every part of the television-making process”
Let’s Get It On is faster. The melody and lyrics are different. You can’t copyright a chord progression. It will be a disaster if he loses. And I doubt he will.
[insert joke about how Sheeran sucks and we’d be better off if he quit music, even though I’ve never listened to any of his music and don’t actually have a negative opinion of him, but it’s fun to jump on bandwagons and pretend like it makes me cool to hate things, and surely no one else here is doing this, right?]
Hardens job on the 76ers is to make the offense efficient and see that the open guy gets the shot. Most fans cant appreciate when a star draws so much coverage his teammates get those easy open shots. Most fans also cant appreciate that though we focus on stars, its team depth quality that often wins or loses. Give…
Hate anti-vax views, but I do like seeing a celebrity have such a nonchalant response to Twitter controversies. So many have thin skin and freak out about being ‘cancelled’.
He’s a weirdo (multiple ways, across decades), but he ain’t wrong.
Good on ya, Woody.
The director of Coda, the woman who Sally was doing the line to, is named Sian Heder.
on the lamb
I really can’t see any adaptation of Blood Meridian working. While Hillcoat’s The Proposition probably came closest to the tone, with Kent’s The Nightingale a close second, Blood Meridian is a whole other thing. It really doesn’t have a plot in the traditional sense of the word and there’s no way in hell the endless,…
Get Chris Pratt to do it.
Oh good lord, this writer has the worst takes on this very fluffy site.
I was just coming to comment that whatever Moss must’ve done is obviously extremely fucked up and how can there be any way that doesn’t blow back on him somehow? I don’t think you can really get away with torturing a reporter in this scenario.
Shiv, who’s spent now 3.5 seasons doing her utmost to compete with men in soulless corporate environments by adopting their antics.
last year I had people explaining to me that the psycopath who takes people in his garage was “a nice guy trying to avenge his daughter”. Do you still believe that now?
“anyone that’s ever bought an expensive item on Instagram only to find out it’s stupid but can’t admit it to themselves can relate to this one.”
Ah yes, Instagram. That famous website you buy things on.
I’m not sure I follow. Are you saying that, in a forum where people are swapping “war stories”, it is hard to imagine some guy exaggerating aspects of a story, or completely fabricating one, in a way that was problematic? Is it the idea that, having been called out for issues with such embellishments, that same guy,…
Personally I expected better from the Double Vag, Double Anal, Sensitive Artist podcast.
‘ The supposedly fabricated story in question came from a 2014 episode of a now-defunct podcast, DVDASA (Double Vag, Double Anal, Sensitive Artist) entitled “Erection Quest.” ’ - Hold up. Am I to understand that we’re to act like the story on some porn podcast is an accurate depiction of a sexual act? Is that really…