Dr. Galazkiewicz

Yeah, how strange to want to be able to drive out of your garage and onto the roads

Tell us you didn’t get past Tree Sentinel without telling us you didn’t get past Tree Sentinel.

Closing out the year with a dumb exchange between Andrew Tate and Greta Thunberg with both of their fanbases screeching that it mattered really encapsulates 2022 very well for me.

Yes. Johnson’s movie proposes the theory that all the self made tech genius billionaires are neither self made nor geniuses. The timing of the movie’s release and Musk’s Twitter saga is coincidental, but if Johnson’s theory was indeed correct the odds that *some* tech genius billionaire was currently stepping in it

Jezebel is the fucking worst.

This is the response he wanted, in that, she responded and gave him attention. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad attention. For him, attention = money. The only way to get rid of him is probably completely ignoring him, but that has it’s own problems too. I hate it here.

Buy the game or don’t buy the game. Buying it will make JKR richer, but you know what they say - never meet your heroes.

Your choice to purchase, or not to purchase, this game has absolutely no impact on Rowling. None. If you looked up “fuck you money” in the dictionary you’d probably find her face smiling back at you.

The whole “if you give your money to someone you are responsible for their views” thing is just... ridiculously naive. If anyone believes that, you shouldn’t be on this website, because The Herb and crew still reap any rewards from this site’s success. It’s a sad fact of the world that 90% of all money you spend is,

anyone who pledges to support her monetarily is also a transphobe’ and comments like that, where people say ‘you’re x if you y’, immediately draw my ire. Give me a reason that’s substantiated, not a threat of your perception of me shifting.

It’s hilarious to me how the author blames review bombing for other properties’ bad scores, but - for whatever reason - this show must genuinely be bad, because some of the reviews constructively criticize the writing, direction, etc. This, despite the fact that folks have constructively criticized The Last Jedi

Doesn’t help when your sister site Jezebel runs a already debunked hit piece to try and smear Henry Cavill, as well as adding in their own pathetic lines to add to the faux drama. And then when the source turns out to be bullshit, Jezebel pulls the article and doesn’t run a retraction or apology.

The last jedi IS a terrible movie. 

I’m not sure having two critical and box office bombs can be considered as “having a year” but next year should be a good rebound for her.

I love Robbie but saying she’s had a great year without mentioning that both of her films were huge bombs feels almost dishonest, especially since neither film was particularly well-reviewed (although she was). With her Harley Quinn movie not doing very well either, I’m not that optimistic for the prospects of Barbie.

The thought never once occurred to me.

I think this has been a pretty bad year for Margot Robbie. Amsterdam was a bomb, and Babylon is currently bombing. Two movies with a lot going for them, starring Margot Robbie, with lots of marketing starring Margot Robbie, tons of money being lost. Not that she’s box office poison, but it’s a lot of evidence that she

If the worst thing you can find on a judge is a discovery dispute, I don’t think the label of “right-wing anti-abortion crusader” is really going to stick. 

I think people have a blindspot for their favorite girlboss producers. Mindy Kaling supposedly got a woman fired from The Mindy Project because she was too hot then restructured the show so that it would be mostly men getting screen time. It’s also interesting seeing how she wrote characters like Beverly and Tamra as