Dr. Galazkiewicz

Ah, Succession. Where a declaration of love is a cynical business ploy, and a threat of castration is a declaration of love.

Leon’s “I don’t think mice like that shit” during the feta cheese discussion cracked me up. JB Smoove just has great delivery.

If you didn’t feel let down by Thor 2 or Iron Man 2, I’m going to need more than a few grains to go with your opinions.

President was a bridge too far, but that hair could probably get Connor elected Governor of Texas.

I was told there would be no math

Did Amy skip a bunch of ranks? I thought Chief was pretty high up

It makes sense, both Kent boys seem to be fools for love.

This kid doesn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete

In a limo this small.

Hopefully this is all leading up to a crossover with Death Bed.

With respect to the GRC, in the MCU there have been multiple alien invasions and an event in which half of the population got snapped out of existence and brought back. I think global organizations would look very different under these circumstances.

I read “a song that starts off chanting the word thunder” and had a moment of sheer panic as I thought you were going to suggest Imagine Dragons.

Lana’s husband can be an ass, but like him I was confused by her reaction after dinner. You can’t expect your partner to swoop in and save you from every mildly uncomfortable conversation.

Everyone on this show is working through their problems by communicating with each other and acting maturely! Amazing. I’m really liking this so far.

So Haywood is a horrible villain because he’s mean to Wanda, but it’s ok for Wanda to inflict a horrific violation on a whole town full of people because she’s sad. Got it, got it. You seem to have a solid moral compass.

Darius: I can’t believe that Jen prefers Van Patten’s cock to mine

Yeah, this guy is a real jerk

Maybe it’s a Dark Souls game

So, we’re halfway through and it’s starting to really suck? I guess they are being faithful to the novel.

It gets even better! Season 2 had my favorite episode of TV this year. I’m hoping it gets traction on HBO Max and someone picks it up for a Season 3.