Dr. Galazkiewicz

Toboni has always had a good presence - she's a very believable action hero. This episode let her show some great subtle acting skills too, especially in the scene where she learns Adalind is pregnant with Nick's kid and at the end with Juliette. I hope she becomes a regular.

That was the joke I was going for. I think your explanation gave it the boost it needed though

I'm glad someone got it

Bobby's yogurt line was a little over the top. I mean, if he even thought about it for a second he'd realize that we'd have to change all the bestiality laws.

I actually laughed out loud during Major's training session at the gym. The book by Anton Chekhov on the drawer when he put the gun away was great, too. He's become one of my favorite characters.

Please downvote this post if you care at all about Grey Worm/Missandei. I'm testing out a theory

Pretty awesome ending to the season so far. They've really gone darker than I thought they would. And Trubel is back! Looks like it should be a good finale next week.

Come on, Myles…
Why you gotta bee like that?

This is how Oliver fooled Slade last season, having Felicity inject Slade with the cure because he thought Felicity was no threat. How on earth would Oliver fall for that?

That was some Strike Force Eagle 3 level neck snapping though

Man, just when I thought this run of episodes couldn't get any worse, they go and do something like this.
…and totally redeem themselves!
Anyway, I thought they were going to turn Juliette into some kind of angsty emo hexenbiest; super dark, enjoying her powers, badass Juliette really works for me. I thought everyone

Seriously. I'm finished and give this an A w/o hesitation. Great cast, well realized characters (both protagonists and antagonists), fantastic action. I'm hard pressed to think of another action series this confident right out of the gate.

That one investigator at the beginning reminded me of a lion.

I was just hoping for a 'Hack the planet!' from young Job.

Another solid episode. I like seeing Monroe's vicious Blutbad side from time to time. I thought the Hexenbiest fight was pretty good, Juliette is much better as a badass. I was disappointed by how they dealt with the villain of the week though. For one thing, it seemed way too similar to how they killed Volcanalis,

Wow, that episode was awesome. I watched it back to back with Banshee and I kind of feel exhausted. I mean, even Juliette is kicking serious ass now?! And Monrosalee walking back to the group with bloody fangs… And Wu! Couldn't ask for a much better episode.

My question is, what did Kitty say to the sister that had her frightened and willing to turn her brother in one day, but then immediately turn Kitty in the next day? Wouldn't she have done one or the other?

Huh, I thought this was much better than last week's episode. At least they advanced the plot and there were scenes with some tension. Not sure what they are doing with Barbara, I am kind of hoping she turns into a villain and Gordon has to kill her. I can dream.

I believe regular mentally ill Gothamites tend to dress up like bats and fight crime

I was actually a little disappointed by this final episode. It It had some great moments, but they tried to cram in so much that some of them felt unearned. Kuvira's surrender and the attempt to give her a sympathetic backstory could have been set up better over several episodes. They ended up doing a lot with