Harrison Fjord

Oh good lord another one who can’t be fucked to get off the hill. YOU ARE LOVED, YOU DON’T NEED TO DIE HERE!

How long before the 2 guys arrested give him up,for this scam ?

About that “joy” / gotcha effect? I’ve got no interest in associating with: 1) white racists; 2) blacks who make their living writing about how shitty white people are (and *sometimes* clarifying that maybe some of them aren’t completely fucked up, but that percentage is so low they’ll might ad well lump all the

It’s public and common knowledge. You can literally google “Jussie Smollett claims white men” and google literally delivers the facts to your eyeballs in a thousand different links. You don’t really HAVE to clutch the steering wheel as the flaming trash truck flies off the cliff, it’s ok to jump off the damn thing.

It has literally already been proven. He went on GMA and doubled down on his claim that the attackers were white Trump supporters, and stated unequivocally that the attackers were the two men seen on the surveillance video. Now, it has been proven that the culprits are not only not white, but were known to Smollett.

So, these 2 Nigerians were actually arrested, and The Root is still trying to spin it.

It’s this type of classless garbage response that just makes people not listen to you. If you don’t have something intelligent to share, keep quiet. Cussing someone out because you disagree with them is moronic. It makes you look stupid. Come back with an intelligent argument or shut up.

Just more Blood Libel enabled by the left. No biggie though, because we gotta be morally correct, not factually correct. 

You just gonna hold on to this to the death aren’t you lol. They arrested two Nigerian Empire extras for the “beating”.

Wait Jussie is here?

Don’t tie your few brain cells in knots. Those guys were extras on Empire and friends of his. Also not white, like he explicitly said they were. He lied. Get over it.

Of course you would pick this, the worst hill ever made, to die on. 

I like how just under this rambling jibberish of an “op ed” that literally didn’t say anything of worth, you can browse each of the anti-white Smollett based articles caping for this dude. I just don’t see how your blog site will last much longer. You’re all absolutely amateur and terrible at whatever it is you’re

This. I fully agree this sounds fishy as all get out and look I like the show along with his character the actor period. I think people really want this to be an attack by MAGA thugs the thing is it just doesn’t add up.  Not that it’s something they wouldn’t pull just in this instance how many of these guys actually

I hope all the regulars here who called the naysayers racist, or homophobes, and got behind this douchebag just because he’s black or gay even though this was the most outlandish story ever, actually read these grays and post their walk backs because anything less is just cowardly and gives the worst possible asterisk

Now you ask to wait for more information? People were on here calling anyone who had doubts a racist or a homophobe. They were very certain that this actually happened, but no one said wait for more information. As the days went on this cycle continued and only now that it could be a hoax are you asking to wait for

So many things to unpack here.

The safest thing to do was to remain silent about it until actual suspects were confirmed or charges were handed out (professional reporting notwithstanding), as the entire narrative appeared to stand on shaky ground.”


The two Nigerians are now formally suspects. I guess MAGA is big in Lagos these days.