Rossi is King

Your a lying sack of shit if you say you use to love Rossi, because if that was really true, you’d see that Marc caused all the BS from the last 2 races.... Did you vote both times for Obama too? Then we all know your judgement is impaired....

You like to bet on pussies, Jorge crying afterwards he should have gotten no points like Marc did, Marc fucked himself by first letting Jorge by, and not racing Dani for the win... Had Marc raced for the win, Dani, Marc, Jorge and 4th Rossi.... Rossi would have a better lead going to Cheste.... Instead Marc the

I think Honda gave him a bonus, they hate Rossi as much as Marc does!

Yeah living in your moms basement makes you tough too?

How's the heat in hell idiot?

Really, because all the crap Marc was pulling to let Jorge get over a 5 second gap, I’m sure you could have made up that difference, why didn’t Jorge close the gap of Dani? Because that day Dani was in the zone, why didn’t Marc race either Jorge or Dani? Because his sole reason for being on the same track was to slow

Dumbshit Wingpunk, Marc is in his 3rd year after winning the title his first two years, how again is that new guy? Marc is a punk, you like childish riders if you like MM.... If Rossi would have dive bombed him and Marc crashed, and got hurt would be a different story. Marc has a long history of over riding and taking

And yet you are the resident expert....

How do you won second? You might try repeating 3rd grade Einstein ...

And worth 100 million, how much you worth Mr GQ?stfu

No fuck you also ran!

I saw Vale the first time in 1999 at Valencia when he won the 250 title, you watch one or two races and let that make your dumb mind that this guy is not good...... Rossi is the best ever, Marc is the dirtiest rider ever, go watch Marc in Moto2, and his first 3 years of MotoGP you will see the truth... Marc is a punk

Have you ever rode a MotoGP bike? Then shut your pie hole, Marc could have raced for the win with Dani, but he slowed to cause Rossi problems. Marc is a punk as spoiled pos, dirty, he has a big history of taking out riders, but some how some way never ever get points taken from him... Remember Jerez, last turn just

Really, you are without doubt a complete idiot, Marc was in second just behind Dani, then he slows down to try and screw up Rossi race, like Honda has and will always be the big bad wolf, bullies if they can't win... Fuck you, Honda and that punk ass kid Marc..... You people have no fucking clue what racing is... Marc

Wing boy, go fuck your dog or sister....troll

What are do suppose to do pull over and let everyone else by, Jorge didn’t get his normal good start, but got by them pretty quickly. Wingman have you ever raced anything besides your tricycle? Wow, I’ve watched Rossi since 1999 live in Valencia, Marquez is a punk, he can’t ride the pos Honda they gave him, so he’s

The were going less than 20 miles a hour when the punk Marc the dick Marquez fell off, plus why did Marc not race Dani for the win? He slowed down to screw with Rossi, so far in Marc’s short career, he is without doubt the dirtiest rider in history, go back and see some of his Moto2 races, he needed a good ass