
If only Selena Gomez had turned down this role, that sexual abuse that happened 25 years before she was born would have never happened.

do you believe their glee was borne of their love for the word or their love of a popular song, hazel?

Wow man, really helping your cause. I guess I will continue to be a “worthless white person”. With shit like this racism will exist forever and I no longer care.

I’m assuming this is a Gen Admin show. Even so, if I spent hours waiting in line so I could get a good seat, I’d be pretty pissed if someone told me to go to the back of the room. And if someone paid for more expensive seats up front, telling them to move to the back is so not cool.

Isn’t the reason reporters use allegedly so they can’t be sued for libel? I understand the frustration but the way our legal system works we have to give perpetrators their day in court

Her intentions are good, but I can imagine a whole lot of brown/black people feeling incredibly uncomfortable being asked to come to the front. What if they’re happy standing or sitting where they are? They came to a concert, not be used as a prop.

Why would a warrant be issued at all? I’m sure you can go to Virginia and find all sorts of crime that people wished was solved and pursued. Here is an alleged “trace” of narcotics on luggage...which has passed through all sorts of hands and storage...if it is indeed even her item at all. You can’t get a cop to pursue

So thoughtful of them to blur out the photos. Wouldn’t want this circulating the internet when they start job hunting.

They are still children? If they were Black they’d be tried as adults. Typical coddling of white people and then they wonder why we say they refuse to take responsibility for their fuck shit.

Can’t take credit, but I have a friend who said:

...Chewy... is right there in the movies!

The hypocrisy nourishes us.

Martin does love his Chinese tattoos though

I do find it interesting however, that so many white people find their way to this website.A space for black and brown people to be able to come together to talk about the collective outrage we experience about ubiquitous racism

It is, but it’s also about putting uppity N-words in their place. White people love a Black Athlete till he tangles with a white one or speaks his mind. Look at how they went after Richard Sherman.

As Becky tries to explain why she isn’t racist, the driver tells her “if you’re not about that, you need to stay away from people like that”

Except given how he’s apologised for three racist incidents in a year I don’t think he’s just an idiot.

Can we please stop covering this shithead now?

I cringe every single time I see what they are doing with the Flash. Just a horrible, horrible costume design.

I can’t get over how shitty Cyborg looks.