
Hahaha, you definitely aren’t wrong.
What nonsense!

You expect too much from a person and a site that is basically providing just a facebook post/rant.

Exactly this. One idea 50 times over does not an art show make. Same for the son, though...not exactly mind blowing. These things belong on Etsy, probably not an exhibit.

Waiting on the new and different part. SW has cannibalised itself so often there is nothing left but gristle and shite.
Box office success does not equate to a good movie. SW fans are the biggest suckers on the block. A fact Lucas (and now Disney) used for great personal profit.

So he was asked a question and he answered it to the best of his ability.

So, their race is briefly mentioned in barely a few sentences in the second volume of a series.

This is both cute and sad. Beyonce and Sheeran are the same. They both produce pablum that can be easily consumed by the masses. Bland and easily forgettable.

So Depp should never work again period. Not only as an actor but any job. Because he did something horrible. Anybody who has done something egregious must resign from society.
I mean anybody who is accused and/or guilty of abuse should walk off into the wilderness so we never have to look at them again. Makes

Terrible effing idea.

Once you have commercialised a word and profited from it, don’t be shocked, alarmed and offended when your customers use the merchandise.
If it’s an off-limit word, treat it as such. I don’t think you get to have your cake and eat it too.
This is a non-story.

Wow, this moron keeps writing the same ‘article’ over and over which is basically; “The world is changing and I don’t understand it. It scares me! You damn kids get off my lawn!”

If this article is satire it’s pretty darn good.
If it’s, what a sad, scared, confused person.
So much of “real” money is invested in speculative markets. Stocks, real estate, futures, etc.
I hate to break it to you but if you can exchange Bitcoin for goods and services, it’s real.
Enjoy your jet ski while

Listen, if you don’t like Depp in this movie don’t support it.
But honestly, what happened between him and his ex-wife is their business. If she wanted him in jail she probably should have pursued criminal charges and not settled out of court.
I understand the myriad of reasons not to do so but the fact is, unless he is

Ya, I hear you, but a small dog on four legs is a lot different than a top-heavy just looks me. :)

The animation/motion in that looks so off. Like it’s obvious Chewie is sweeping aside a [stand in] person’s arm rather than a short little critter.

Jones issued a statement refuting her involvement in this report. The responsible thing to do would be to update this gossip-mongering “reporting”.

I understand that you are being facetious, but “If there’s someone who knows what’s best for a Zack Snyder film, it’s a bunch of people who aren’t Zack Snyder...” is probably one of the truest statements ever written on this collection of blogs.

Hmmm...wasn’t young Dumbledor a ginger?

If it means it will deplete our planet of techno then yes. Do it NOW!
But somehow, I don’t think it works this way.

I just googled the “ghost of hitler keeps shitting on my bed” and got 921,000 results. That’s damning evidence hiding in plain sight and going widely forgotten by the general public.