Very nicely written. Thank you!
Very nicely written. Thank you!
While I’d never underestimate the stupidity of a politician, I think this is a clear case of lying.
Politicians have been fostering “super-patriotism” in the USA for decades. Now they wield it like a hammer to clobber the citizens who question their motives, methods and agendas.
Don’t support our unethical war? You…
Absolutely there is a large element of this going on.
Jesus H Christ. Maybe you can shoehorn a few more terrible analogies into this piece.
But allow me to appropriate your first abysmal analogy.
Nobody on the planet is allowed to use a toothbrush ever (unless you were, um...sodomised with one).
They have to use their fingers and just smear some toothpaste on there and…
You are using the word ‘weakest’ wrong.
Season 3 is effing strong as f@#k. Who cares what the gender is of the person writing the show? I’ll tell you who - the single-celled organisms endlessly bumping into the wall at the shallow end of the gene pool.
“...but does not reflect the person he is.”
No, that is exactly what it does. It reflects poorly the person that he is.
This bullshit language spin needs to stop.
He doesn’t have to remain the person that he is, the person his actions reflect poorly on, but that is what he is now.
Perhaps he needs to reflect on that.
Is it ironic that this is exactly how a white person might reply when confronted with the reality of their priviledge?
Wonderfully written article. Well done.
You might want to double-check you understand the term respectively as it is used in journalism or your facts.
Maybe check both.
I refuse to believe that picture is of 45 and 92 y/o women!
The car needs to be stopped. Shit needs to get real before it gets better.
Not of fan of this girl and I like the article, it’s very well written, but there seems to be a lot of blame being laid at her feet as a white person appropriating and damaging black culture yet the black men who were key in propelling her career into the spotlight (because they can make a buck) is glossed over. Where…
Nice article! #truth
What the actual f@#k is going on in the USA right now. It’s like somebody lifted a rock and all the cockroaches have come scurrying out.
Please replace “Idiot” with Racist.
So disheartening but also, so not surprising. She should have been shut down from the start, it never should have got to court.
What a farce.
Just a coincidence she looks like the Wicked Witch of the West?
Man, there are so many things in this article which I agree with you . It’s terrible and sad.
This article should be titled, “Black people lose their shit over learning white people don’t know the death anniversaries of over-rated Black celebrities”.
Let the black tears rain down.
You should write an article about an angry black internet blogger who alienates people pointing out injustice, in racially-charged, sarcastic undertones. Oh wait, you just did.
So, wide peep ole, keep your kale-eating mouths shut and mind your bidness. Noted.