
BTW. The above link should work, but if not, visit the dashboard widgets site and search for 'Screenshot Plus'.

PS. The above link should work, but if not, search Apple widgets for 'Screenshot Plus'.

I recently made the switch to Mac, but I'm struggling to remember all those keyboard shortcuts!

Great stuff....nice and simple.


oops, poor grammar s/h/b if "you're"

Here's an (admittedly basic) tip for anyone using or considering Excel as a Project Management tool. The 'conditional formatting' command is useful for colouring individual cells (as opposed to copying and pasting colour schemes) according to the data inputted.

I think these pans (with folding handles) are of more use.... especially if you only have a small kitchen (as I do). Not sure whether they are available in the US yet though.

My vote goes with the victorinox swisscard lite too. It's particularly useful for opening sealed boxes .......well it was, until airport security at Glasgow airport confiscated the blade from me......given recent events however, I didn't complain too much....the security guys there are understandably a bit twitchy!


I usually try and 'tap into someone's hobby or interest. People tend to be more comfortable (and relaxed) talking about stuff they enjoy and know well. If you're scoping for clients, you can make a note of these interests and tailor events according to peoples passions.

whoops....guess I should have also checked my own comments for 'typos' before sending.

Whooaa! That's loud! Guess I should havev read the comments before posting! Neat tip though!

I've been saving software serial no's and confirmation E-mails in Keepass for over a year now....this system works really well.

I don't think I'm bold enough.......I love my FF extensions too much, to risk losing them.


Yikes......there's some weirdness going on here. My posts seem to be doing a magicians act (disappearing and reappearing).

I really hope this isn't going to be a duplicate post.....there seems to be a bit of delay inposting at the moment.

Gina........thanks for the clarification. I normally pick up feeds via Google Reader (so I wasn't familiar with the new quick link). I think @Ruthven has a valid suggestion though.....and I for one don't want to miss ANY Lifehacker posts!