Any person who would rubber stamp putting this malicious individual in charge of children’s welfare should be hanged for treason. I am not being hyperbolic.
Any person who would rubber stamp putting this malicious individual in charge of children’s welfare should be hanged for treason. I am not being hyperbolic.
Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.
He’s gonna send Denton pictures of himself circled in gold Sharpie with “See! Not a rotting pumpkin pie. VERY FRESH.” written on them.
Naw, what she said is she was sick of reading about BOYS and their dogs. She wanted to see representations of people that look like herself. Her issue was not with dogs, she used the ‘boys and their dogs’ as an example. #notalldogs
This is why whenever I need to get some food, I just go to the supermarket and hang out by the checkout. I get to be in close proximity to people who have food, which is the same as having it, yourself.
Hell, it’s not even trickle down economics anymore. Apparently, you’re supposed to just be happy to be in the physical vicinity of that kind of money.
Hitting her bong?? You mean Miley Cyrus does DRUGS? COLOR ME SHOCKED.
Is he super creepy? He looks like the kind of stranger my mom always warned me about.
And it’s completely impossible to have both a skin problem AND a sin problem, so let’s ignore racism until those unmarried sluts stop having sex. Oh, and also - sexual sins are the only real sins. Not greed or anything.
I get the impression that, for light reading, he favours that book of witty, Christian sayings for your church announcement board. You know, like “God answers knee-mail” and shit like that.
That’s a hilarious mental image. No way he came up with that himself though. Pretty sure that’s become a Christian right catchphrase in response to problems of racism and injustice. IIRC, someone at Liberty University used that phrase in a response to something Bernie said about racial injustice during his speech…
Me too. There are so many creeps on Times Sq. I would want my daughter to see her own body with no shame and freedom, but also within the boundries of a safe space. Times Sq is not a safe space. It’s like we put too much trust in strangers when we already know the world is unsafe for women. We want to live in a world…
I agree with you completely, only, mom should not have put the little girl on display like this. This is a hot issue and the kid should not be exposed to this spectacle. The kid is too young to process what's going on. All she sees in anger towards mom.
I was fine until it mentioned that the mom had painted a black stripe on the wee little’s chest. That made it kind of...ooky.
I kind of assumed that was what she was doing? What do you think she was doing?
I mean, yeah, that probably is what she’s trying to do tbh.
This is Adequate Man, not I Spent $500 On Snow Tires And Probably Also Didn't Use Underwear As A Washcloth This Morning Man.