
I don’t know if this is an Indiana thing, but Cosmo has been behind blinders at our Walmarts and Krogers for at *least* a decade. I remember looking to see if it was a particularly scandalous issue when the blinders appeared, but then they never went away.

“Illegal baby parts trade.”

Hypothermia is the new black.

It's like satire. My in-laws are super conservative and say things like this and I just have to blink at them a lot.

I desperately want Trump to get the nomintmation just for the sheer majesty of it all.

In a box somewhere in my garage, a mix CD exists with this on a road trip playlist.

We’ve clearly found Dean Winchester’s spirit animal.

It doesn’t sit well with me. Like what, he wouldn’t be able to control himself if he were in the presence of a woman alone? Or a woman would be seducing him with her sinful womanliness?

The whole point of this thread is that this poster hates Oliver because he said the “Literally do anything else.” bit.

“We could totally find TWO women. We are gonna out-vagina you Democrats SO HARD.”

I had to hide my bag of Almond M&Ms. Franzen turned me off my M&Ms, man.

Franzen is a monster.

When I got to the “dark chocolate” bit I involuntarily shouted my safe word and scared my sleeping cat so badly, he scurried off the bed.