
Yeah, battery life is my biggest concern on the Pro. Not worried about the RT model at all since its using ARM and all, but the Pro is full on laptop innards and there's only so much volume for batteries... Really really hoping its a good device!

From what I understand, the Pro is essentially going to be an Ultrabook in a svelt tablet body, no way is that going to be near $500. I'd guess closer to $800 at a minimum.

Yeah, I'm expecting the Pro model to come in somewhere around typical Ultrabook ranges, 800-1000. I'd consider paying a thousand for it if the battery life and performance were good enough.

In case of daleks, clearly.


Not to mention what Nintendo let Team Ninja do to her character in Other M. ugh

ooo, that sounds brilliant!

You're kidding right? A based paintjob without any other mods to a standard Maverick? Best Nerf gun ever?

You're kidding right? A based paintjob without any other mods to a standard Maverick? Best Nerf gun ever?

Personally, I wish my local megaplex occasionally had 18+ only talking-aloud screenings. keep the mouthbreathers away and let me have my occasional MST3k-style fun.

Yeah, neither side could really be considered the "good guys" here.

They've added closure for all three endings. That's all I really wanted. So I'm satisfied. :-). Did like the rejection option though.

Classy! I like.

I played one game when it first came out and kind of lost interest as it didn't grab my attention live Civ IV did when I first got it... Went back to play it 6 months later and I was playing it to the exclusion of every other game for a solid month. :D

I played CAH first. Months later, a group got me to play A2A and I was bored out of my mind.

The best (worst?) one I've ever seen was "What were Michael Jackson's final thoughts?" and "Jerking off into a pool of children's tears."

Not to mention the differences in legal and political systems, national identities, health care... The list goes on.

Fett? Boba come in! FEEEEEEEEEEEETT!

Surprise twist ending: we find out his real name is Dash Rendar