
Nada on my Fascinate

@IphtashuFitz: You're like a year and a half out of date amigo...

@pz: If they'd just release an Android app, I'd be in heaven... been using my Droid as my primary MP3 player since my ZuneHD had an unfortunate fall off a 2nd story balcony.

@Jeb_Hoge: that wasn't the harrier, that was its pilot, Cpt C. Norris

anybody found a hidden mickey yet?

meh, i'll stick with swype

until recently i never even knew there was a 4-player version... all the arcades i'd ever seen it at had the 6-player :-)

i think the video's broken...

forget that, we just need to install person-sized pneumatic tube systems

@FThorn: sure, hijacking a plane is scary to the general public, but that's the way to really hurt the country... how easy would it be to take out a bunch of major bridges around the country

tuned in at the beginning, and within 20 minutes i am hooked

@DON_BOT: its a conspiracy maaaaan! the studios were just trying to make sure we'd buy more versions of their laserdiscs when they "found" some lost footage!

@TheLAG: it was rather predictable... i saw it a mile away

well regardless of what the critics think, i thoroughly enjoyed the movie... sure the visuals were gorgeous and the music was fantastic, but i felt the plot made enough sense to carry it through, and though Clu's was a little bland, he's supposed to be... (SPOILER) he's a program on a mission and he can't do anything

#24 All Hail Sovereign!

I could spare $5 :)