@xat: "See that pixel? That teenie tiny one in the corner there? That was krypton."
@xat: "See that pixel? That teenie tiny one in the corner there? That was krypton."
those waffles sound pretty amazing...
awww, and i was hoping that this was going to say we had plans to start refitting ships with these bad boys on an actual timetable
@Jonathan W. Acheson: agreed, its not optimized very well yet
@Artifex: from what i've been able to tell, google has made ChromeOS very finger friendly, and considering the hardware requirements i could definitely see it running on a 3g or 4g tablet
Luigi was awesome till Nintendo started portraying him as a pansy after the N64 era
mostly agree... its an entertaining movie, but its more of a high-quality B-movie in terms of plot and characters
@Awesome Mcawesome: i remember all the fun times i had in arathi PvP with mid-30 critters pre-BC
@The Curse of Millhaven: that hurt...
can't wait
@Norbs: don't forget your teeth!
really, i ju- i don- guh...
the last point is really the one that'll hold me back on a 4g handset... i need to recharge my Verizon Galaxy S at least one a day, and with heavy use i usually need to top it off for a little while... i can't imagine how bad it'd be using a 4G network...
i had never seen that particular newsreel on the tacoma narrows bridge... gotta love how they presented the news back then :D
i had never seen that particular newsreel on the tacoma narrows bridge... gotta love how they presented the news back then :D
@Meirelle: i claim ownership of all naturally occurring anti-matter...
lets just say, hypothetically, that she actually is granted legal ownership of Sol and tries to charge for use of its radiation (light/heat)... i'm going to go out on a limb and say i'll prolly just default on that
Picked up Supreme Commander 2 on Steam yesterday for $2.50 :) yet another excellent deal!
"We used to think the moon was made of cheese. In 1969 we landed on it and found out it was made of rocks. We haven't been back since."