
Never order the Paneer wrap thingy. C'est un abomination! Hélas!

I went to japan with college mates (on a research related trip) and I was all, WHEEE AWESOME FOOD NOMS and everyone else just wanted to go to McD. :(

Once again, you don't need to use a Mac with OS X. Mac hardware is undoubtably reliable and good (not to mention the trackpad, which has no comparison) but Whitson Gordon over at LifeHacker uses a Mac and runs windows on it. It's entirely possible, and if you feel uncomfortable with windows and/or want both OS X and

"second virginity"?? Did he say that with a straight face? People are unreal these days.

I know you didn't respond to me, but I think you're a little off-mark with your snark. Polish Peasant did not think the midwest is beneath her, or that she found it distasteful. It's just that in some places in the South/midwest, reproductive rights are being taken away from women. It's just that, in these places, we

Me too. I'm only starting grad school in the fall, so it's a little too early to worry yet, but I got and gave up a job in NYC to do this grad school this, and now I'm afraid of going to the deep South, or worse, Arizona. I'm Indian, and AZ would be hell for me. I've only lived in LA/Pasadena, and going to be in

Oh, you should definitely read them. They're good fluff- Meg is a feminist and the Princess Diaries character has quite a few feminist views herself so it's kind of nice.

Oh yes! I love how I can find at least another lesbian shitass (XD) who is like me! I exhibit certain properties common to literary snobs but I have every single last one of the Princess Diaries (by Meg Cabot) books.

AAH, I thought I was the only person this happened to. My sister and mum always do that, and it's usually movies I've not seen before. (I seek out spoilers, because I cannot enjoy anything while I'm worried about what's happening next)

Did you get in/sorted yet?

I have nothing constructive to add, but maybe they took tips from that Sherlock Holmes story where Holmes convinced everyone he was dying by starving himself and using make-up very effectively.

Maybe the idea of creating is what's godlike, because god=creator=sex. A lot of non-monotheistic religions worship sex for this very reason, and equate sex to god.

There's a link on the bottom-right of your google homepage which says go to if you have cookies enabled, it will stay there every time you go back to google. (well, it's true for me at least)

But slavery was wrong in and of itself, blackface is wrong simply in context of the social situation of it's time, it's not wrong in and of itself (just like mimes painting their face white is not wrong, which frankly loads of Indians do with face powder and whatnot)

Oh, I know about India's obsession with light skin. It's coded into our ancient texts, even. (The people who wrote the texts were white skinned invaders) It's just blackface is not considered offensive. Also, dark skinned actors don't have much problem in Indian tv/movies, it's just dark skinned actresses. When I

I think in that story, it was Nehru's grandparents who were fleeing, so the girl would be either his aunt or his mother. I'm told Nehru's mother was a very beautiful Kashmiri woman, so there's a good chance it was her.

You do realize that India does not have the same racial history as the western world, and therefore has no context of blackface being considered bad, don't you?

Skin colour is not a choice. You don't ever get to change it. Combing hair/lipstick/clothes/make-up/shaving/etc is a choice.

That made me laugh. You're just so...formal, and technical about it. Hearted!

Couldn't you turn a word into a link in emails? That way, the recipient can actually see the full link by hovering over it.