Well said.
Well said.
I love the match fixing insinuations that have been flying around since this saga was revived in that doc and yet NO ONE IS ACTUALLY SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT THE MATCH FIXING DIRECTLY.
Simmons is what brought me to Grantland. His content is great and to be clear, by not killing it, I vaguely meant losing money on a solo or joint venture. If he sticks at another network I can’t see him making ESPN money. Probably more like Conan on TBS money. Still he definitely didn’t get fired as much as he got a…
100%. ESPN will always stay out ahead and they’re #1 for a reason. Their content will dominate post Simmons and I doubt they think Simmons will float if he goes on his own. Going to another network is a step down career wise and I could totally see Simmons not killing it solo. Interesting times. Still, it would’ve…
I actually do think they tried to make this look like a firing/public beheading. However, to borrow from the man of the hour (day? Article?), I think they lacked the testicular fortitude to actually outright fire Bill. My guess is the fat non-disclosure agreement they’d have voided in the process had something to do…
You’re on fire today, Turd. All I can say is I agree and, who is Andre the Giant?