
I’ve had Microsoft’s “Windows Hello” facial recognition on my Lumia 950 for over 2 years now! Since Microsoft seems to be out of the phone business and Apple is finally catching up with this technology, maybe I can finally make the switch and try some of these “apps” I keep hearing about. :P

TVs are a 16:9 aspect ratio, most art isn’t. Fine Art Photography prints usually have a 3:2 aspect ratio. They usually don’t look too bad stretched or cropped to 16:9, but the 16:9 aspect ratio should be instantly recognized by most as a TV. The glare from a screen isn’t much different than the glare from a metal or

A few years ago I had a brand new 2014 Phaeton as a rental car on a trip to Germany. Unfortunately no W12 for me, instead it had the3.0L TDI. I was vaguely familiar with the car at the time, but had never seen one, much less driven one. I couldn’t believe my luck getting it as a rental. It was the most luxurious car

Harnessing waterfalls is exactly what they do. There are waterfalls everywhere in Norway. I saw a neat old power station built in 1917 in Kinsarvik sitting at the base of a waterfall. It was pretty cool.

I was just in Norway for work and saw a couple of those Buddy cars in Oslo. Tesla’s were super popular. I saw at least one per block in all the areas I walked around in. A local told me Teslas are like Hondas over there, everyone has one because they are far cheaper than gas powered cars. They are cheaper because of

Consider that the people in First Class you’re looking upon with contempt may be hard working road warriors, and not some rich person that thinks they’re better than everyone else. On domestic flights in the US, most of the First Class passengers are business travelers that did NOT pay for the seat. When you fly

Very misleading title. Microsoft did NOT get hacked. Users of a service provided by Microsoft did. This is clear in the body of the article, and even clearer in the Rueters source you cited.

I spent a month aboard the Kearsarge this year as a contractor (Reminded myself that there’s a reason I was in the Air Force and NOT the Navy or Marines). I got to watch a RAS from the Robert E. Peary twice. They played a departure song on the Kearsarge when it was done, and made the youngest officer on the ship run

I found out at MEPS when enlisting in the Air Force that I was blue/yellow (tritanomoly) colorblind (which I guess is a rarer form of colorblindness). I was 19 years old and had no idea prior to this. I got really upset with the Ishihara test and thought it had to be some kind of joke. When they told me I was

Early on in my career I was enlisted in the USAF as a “Communications Computer Systems Operator”. I got assigned to the Messaging shop, and had to setup a new e-mail filter for the base. In addition to preventing spam and malware from getting in, I also had to make sure it kept porn from getting in via e-mail, while

I would say this is a little closer to ETTR (Exposure-To-The-Right) than HDR. You can bring down highlights in overexposed images to bring back some detail, and it often has better results than trying to bring up shadows in an underexposed image (less noise).

When I was eating dinner at a restaurant in Luxembourg, a family at the table next to me ordered one of these things. Only the wonderful cheese melting contraption that came out was a little different. The cheese and heating element were at an angle so that the melting cheese would run off on it's own into a plate

#1 is a little misleading. All having a strong password does is prevent an attacker from guessing your password. All multi-factor authentication does is prevent an attacker from logging into your account even if they manage to guess the password (assuming a password was 1 factor of the authentication.).

The most convincing are the ones I've written myself. ;) As a "White Hat", I've conducted a lot of phishing exercises over the years. Most were accused of being "too good", looking too much like a legitimate e-mail, but that was the point. If I'm a bad guy going spear phishing, my goal is to craft a message that

If the Beer and the Bacon weren't enough to give it a heart attack, the Butter that I didn't mention certainly sealed the deal. Every meal is better with the 3 B's (Beer, Bacon, Butter). ;) I basically followed this recipe I found:… Only thing I did different is use beer

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