
25 years ago, people said that SSTF would last until 2050 or so. There were people who said that it would be dry a lot faster, and they were right. Yes it is still going, just less well than we thought it would.

CBO checked the numbers, and said that it is 40% of the way to kick the can.

Not exactly. Closer than what the writer of the article said. The Trust Fund exists to cover the shortfall. Once the Trust Fund is gone benefits are reduced to match revenue and expense. So there is no 'shortfall' overtime.

Your words are very ironic. They almost replicate a senator from the 1940s who said why should we worry about problems 15 years from now. My constituents have problems today.

If you are 27, free advice. Plug into the issue because it is only getting worse.

You need to get your information from SSA rather than Motley Fool. The data is almost entirely wrong. The MF writer has confused SSA research from 2010 with a statement from the Trustees.